Portfolio not linking to page on iphone mobile.

I created this page using the portfolio items. When a user clicks on the tiles on mobile it links to another window— except for when it's on an iphone it does nothing. Could you please assist with a solution?



  • HI,
    we checked on mobile and it works fine, could you tell us what OS are you using on your phone?
    Try checking on another device.
  • We figured out that if you click through between the navigation and viewing multiple attorney's pages, it'll stop the links from working.

    We found that in the safari settings on an iphone if the "allow pop-ups" option is on, this is not a problem. However we can assume that most people who would view our site on iphone would have that setting defaulted to blocking pop-ups.
  • Yes, apple changed the safari browser so it does not open popups and also does not allow video autoplay. Better just link to the same page.
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