Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • Co-author in post. Co autor box and co author meta tag in post.
  • Ideas:

    A.) Include an option within Muffin Builder to have an identifying column at the top of an element, so we can “name” an area/group of page elements. When a page gets long, it can sometimes be difficult to locate an area of objects.

    B.) Provide a way to copy one of the named Muffin Builder elements (A) to a new page. This is so we can copy and re-use what we’ve done in one area into another existing page.

  • I have 2 requests:

    1. A post Offset feature in the builder blog functions. Right now, you can exclude posts by manually entering the ID numbers, but for automated sites that use a blog slider, being able to offset a blog feed by the latest number of posts would be so convenient. Example - add a classic or grid blog feed to a page and configure it exclude the first (Latest) 5 posts..

    2. HTML and/or shortcode/widgets in the banner area of the Magazine header.  I have situations where adding a block of html or second logo or content is required in the header area along with the logo - currently, I have to modify the header file in a child theme to do this - since there is already the function to add a banner in the Magazine header, you could simply add other content types to that area?  That would be HUGE!

    Thanks in advance
  • Some more mega menu options, like column count, tab options, column headers, etc.
  • And a selfish mod if you don't mind.

    In the Muffin Builder, it would be a nice feature if we could select a specific color for the Section Title Bar.  This would make so much easier to distinguish different sections. (Yes, I know you can add an admin Title). Here's why this would be good:

    Say you have 2 sections that are set up For Desktop View &Mobile View. By selecting a specific color for the Title bar in the Muffin Builder, you could avoid the problem I've run into 40 times - editing the wrong section. Just a thought..
  • would be to actionbar with sub menu
  • edited January 2018
    - show or hide depending on the device
    - better responsive images
    - left center and right center alignment option for background images on sections, wraps, ...
    - color overlay and transparancy for background images on sections, wraps, ...
    - copy a section/wrap/.... from one page and paste it in another page
  • Reduce http requests and prevent inline css. They're both poison for good SEO!
    Reduce all the HTTP requests!

    Pretty please!
  • It would be really usefull to have a list of all the ID and class names from the BeTheme Options. Like that it's easier to customise the looks in the own CSS instead of searching for the ID and class names every time.
    It could be displayed underneath the name of th setting like in fonts -> size and style:

    default: 16

    Would be really helpfull for me and I think for a lot of others to.
  • A shortcode for the Muffin Builder Sidebar Widget would be nice.
  • Hello,
    An option to mark new posts would be great!
  • - when you click on the close "x" in the top right corner of a popup in the muffin builder, the changes should not be implemented.  (and/or you can add a cancel button)
  • It would be great if you add options>responsive>header to layouts.

    For example i need to change the menu transparency for mobile but just for one site, but unfortunately this is not possible.
  • When using a "full width" background image section, can the wrap and item elements still be allowed to keep the width of the grid chosen in the Theme options so that the content/item doesn't have to be manually spaced across using Placeholders or CSS. This way all the content can stay nicely aligned when viewing on massive screens!

  • In the 'installed plugin' screen the ability to deactivate plugins to update them would be a nice add.
  • Some options about enable, disable scroll for desktop and/or mobile devices.
    I've encountered some issue with product designer because keyboard arrows didn't work as expected. arrow up or down is mooving scroll up or down, instead of product move up and down.
  • Add a count option for Clients and Clients Slider just like you have for other types of posts
  • Add font-awesome icons 
  • Dear BeTheme, you should add more responsive options on smaller screen (for example: columns) & also css class like Bootstrap for breaking the column manually. Thankyou!
  • Please add Custom CSS for each Portfolio Item
  • edited March 2018
     so can make a directory of categories.


    This is the only thing which has made me choose other themes so far - fix this asap and betheme is perfect.
  • Share WhatsApp, and manage social media buttons in the post. Too many options get user paralizer.
  • Create 1 demo for real estate website.
  • edited April 2018
    Hello @muffingroup team,

    Thank you for the great themes!

    In "Client" section, I want to create a link to my clients but it doesn't work. Once you click on the clients logo, it doesn't direct to the client's website. It direct to my website again. Here is the example;


    Also, I want to add my clients to my website but it doesn't go with the website. Clients section doesn't look as the website is. And also, I am having a hard time adding pics because I don't know what the right size is. It would be awesome if you could make it easier this as you did for website designs.

    And also, demo for new generation limousine (airport car service, black car) website would be cool!

    Sorry for my broken grammar.

  • northcountytr 

    This is an easy fix for you. You must make sure when adding your client URL that you include the full

    If you don't add the http:// bit it will try and add it to your own domain URL and cause the problem you are experiencing.

    Hope that helps! :)

  • Revisions is a must indeep . tHousand Thank
  • edited April 2018
    Hey @sybez

    Thanks for your response! That was a helpful touch :)
  • Hello again @muffingroup team,

    Now I have a logo issue. From "Global" and "Responsive" section, I've uploaded the logo. My logo is not showing up as I uploaded on the tablet. I feel that it mixes up with LOGO and STICKY HEADER LOGO. I might be wrong. It is hard to explain, and maybe I couldn't explain very well but I don't know if someone else are having problem with that. If they are, maybe you guys need to check it out. If you didn't receive any issue like that maybe I should give a second look.

    Thanks  :)
  • i would like a way to save blocks that i create so they can be re-used on other pages...i guess it would be custom shortcodes
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