Access buttons and inputs with JS

We would like to access some buttons and text field inputs in JavaScript which were created by the Muffin Builder. This is to add some JS functionality to the buttons which is linked to the input of text fields. Is there a way to get the buttons and inputs ID?
Thanks a lot!


  • Hi,

    What you ask for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact your web developer. Item Policy says:
    Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style, and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to see if they privately offer paid customisation services or checking out the great service providers on Envato Studio

  • edited April 2018
    What I am asking is not a change of any Muffin Builder's code nor any modification of any files. I just want to insert a JS code in the page's HTML text in which I reference to a button built by the Muffin Builder on the same page (e.g. using something like document.getElementById("Button") in JS).
  • Okay so why dont you use the dev tools or inspect the page source, then you will be able to see which button you have in mind and use an id or class to target them.
    I am just wondering because you are doing some advanced stuff and this should be easy to find for you.
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