Google Adwords Conversion Tracking For Action Bar

In our action bar we have the phone number.  I want to be able to put the code for the tracking conversion.  When I add it to the header like I do it for the others, it ads another bar.  Is there a way to replace just the coding for the action bar that is already there?  These are the directions from Google:

Add the code to a text link:
<a onclick="return gtag_report_conversion('tel:800-123-4567');" href="tel:800-123-4567">Call now!</a>

Add the code to a button:
<button onclick="return gtag_report_conversion('tel:800-123-4567')">Call now!</button>

Add the code to a button image:
<img src="call_button.gif" alt="Download Whitepaper" width="32" height="32" onclick="return gtag_report_conversion('tel:800-123-4567')" />


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