Header Builder problems

edited March 2019 in BeBuilder
I have just updated to the curent BeTheme version. I try to make my header using Header Builder. 
My problems are
1) When a menu item (they point to sections) is clicked, the page goes a few pixels below the start of the section, with the result of hiding the section's first element, in my case its heading-title.
2) Scrolling for getting to sections after clicking on menu items is not smooth but page just goes there at once.
3) Some, not all, sticky header options do not seem to be saved. For example, text style or menu style (the text itself is saved). I have them matching my Default header style, but to no effect.

Actually no 1+2 are general issues even with the theme's normal header. With the previous version (17.8.6), clicking on menu items led the page to the beginning of the section, showing all of its content, title and all, and transition from section to section when clicking on menu items was, unlike now, smooth.

I do use a cache deleting plugin. Tried installing again the theme too.

Thanks in advance


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