Remove H1 from subheader completely

edited November 2014 in Theme Options
Is there not an option to remove the H1 from the subheader completely?

With a blog post you get two H1. I can remove one by removing the title of the blog, but visually it does not match up. It looks like a blogpost without title. There is one in the subheader, but that's visually not the title of the blogpost.

So, I have to manually make a title with these blogposts, but then again it does not look like an H1, so I have to alter this with css.

All would be solved with just an option for the subheader: use H1 in subheader? YES/NO

I just notice that with portfolio items the same issue arises.



  • Hi Koen,

    so do you mean to remove h1 completely from all pages or maybe from some of them? Do you mean jus h1 or maybe whole subheader section?
  • Hi, no I mean to have the option to remove the h1-tag from the subheader. Or at least have this setting in betheme options: Use H1-Tag in Subheader YES/NO.
    For a blog post I have to remove the title-bar to have not two H1's: one in subheader and one in Title Bar. But I want to keep the Title Bar and the Subheader. The same goes for portfolio and pretty much everything.
  • edited December 2014
    At this moment we have only option to hide subheader or breadcrumbs and this option is available in Theme options > Layout > Header section.

    However as we see at,,standard-post-with-post.html we do not have 2 h1 tags. Just one in subheader. So please send us url to page where you got 2 and we'll have a look on it.
  • Yes, I see on your example page that you don't have two H1-tags. But you did hide the title box above the photo. I want to have that title-box. I am using the subheader on my product-pages but I don't want to use it on my blog pages, mainly because I would have such long tittles the subheader is going nowhere with looks. So the only thing that's left is to hide it with css (display:none), but then there are still two H1's on a post page. If there was the option to use or to use not H1 in subheader, one would have much more control over this issue.
  • So the only css we can give you is to remove subheader or only title on single post page. And this can be done with one of below css's:
    1. .single-post #Subheader { display: none; }

      .single-post #Subheader .title { display: none; }
  • Hi, I know that css, but then there are still two H1's on the page. Here you can check this out:

  • But unfortunately we do not have any option to remove this h1 from the code at this moment. We'll think about it while future updates.
  • edited January 2015
    Hi I stumbled across the same issue now after my first blog post. Isn't it bad design for SEO when 2 H1 titles are on one page? 

    I'm wondering even more because everywhere else the subheader is h2, only on a single blog page the subheader is h1.
  • @coretekk As we see, title in subheader is always h1 (not h2 as you mentioned). So we don't understand your question.
  • Are you still planning on fix this issue? You can just give the option to use H1 in subheader or not.
    thank you.

  • edited January 2015
    @muffingroup sorry, then I mean the title that is shown in the same line as the breadcrumbs. This title is always h2, but on a single blog page it's h1.
  • @coretekk Really? Maybe we talk about different themes? Because as we see on the title is h1, not h2 as you mentioned. And the screenshot comes from regular page.
  • edited January 2015
    Yes, you are right. Maybe it was different in a previous version, because I updated mine recently too and now the title beside breadcrumbs is always h1.

    However the issue still persists, because this title is h1 and the title of a single blog post is also h1 on a single blog post pages. This leaves 2 h1 titles on one page.

    See my screenshot, hope it's clear now what I mean:

  • Sorry but where you got 2 x h1's on single post page? As we see on demo,,standard-post-with-post.html there is only one post title.
  • edited January 2015
    Yes, because you have most likely deactivated the option:
    "BeTheme Options" -> "Getting Started" -> "Blog" -> "Post Title"

    If you leave this option on (default) and also leave subheader on (default) you will get 2x h1 as seen in my screenshot from last post.
  • Ok, you're right. We'll consider it then while future updates because at this moment it is not possible to change them.
  • Hello ...

    First of All Thanks to Coretekk for his being Persistent !

    I've attached a photo here to make muffingroup have a better attention.
    Here is the photo :

    We know how to make it not to display, but how to fix it?! For example changing H1 in breadcrumbs to H4?!

  • @DanialDRT You can't do this yourself. But we got it in plans and should be possible to choose what h tag you want to use for 2nd title (under subheader).
  • Thanks for your answer ...

    "Be" will be the best theme in ThemeForest, I'm sure ...
  • @DanialDRT We're glad to hear that :) Thanks!
  • Hi, sorry to turn this thread back on. But I noticed you now have the option to have the title outside of the subheader to be something else than H1.
    But I want it the other way around. I want to be able to choose the heading for the subheader. No I need to show the subheader, which I don't want in certain cases. Hiding a H1 is a bit weird.
    Maybe you have a hook or filter, so I can step in when you are creating this subheader title in php? That way it would be solved. I could also use javascript, but it looks to me that's not the preferred way towards search engines.
  • @adkoen Sorry but we do not have anything like that and it is not possible.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • search in the header file
    for this lines --->

                            // Page title -------------------------
                            echo '<div id="Subheader">';
                                echo '<div class="container">';
                                    echo '<div class="column one">';
                                        // Title
                                        echo '<h1 class="title">'. mfn_page_title() .'</h1>';
                                        // Breadcrumbs
                                        if( ! mfn_opts_get('subheader') ) mfn_breadcrumbs();
                                    echo '</div>';

    change from h1 to any h you want lets say h3 so both
    <h1 class="title">'. mfn_page_title() .'</h1>';
    -------------- should be ----------
    <h3 class="title">'. mfn_page_title() .'</h3>';
  • Hi Olipman, thanks for this! I'm going to change it right now :-)
  • edited October 2015
    up !

    Please @muffingroup, can you add an option in order to choose the tag?

    h1 / h2 / h3 / span

    It's annoying to have to modify the code directly...
  • @gmasson We'll consider this of course when we finish about thousand of features that are currently in queue.
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