Remove h1 tags for logo on header builder

Hi, I'm getting two empty h1 tags on every page because there is an h1 tag associated with the logo in the header. Please advise which file I can find this in to change.


  • Hi,
    Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot, for that use services like or

    Seeing as it is the BeTheme theme the file should be in a standard location right? It is the latest update.
  • We noticed that and I provided that information for developer team - that option will be added in the next update of the Muffin Header Builder.
    Of course, that option is possible for basic headers of BeTheme.
    For now, there is no workaround for it, you have to use the pre-built headers of BeTheme if it's really necessary for you right now.
  • That makes no sense, just tell me where the H1 tag is located in the be theme files and I will change it to a div tag or p tag myself. 
  • Unfortunately, We do not help with the theme files customizations
    As I said, this option will be available to do in the next update of the Muffin Header Builder - we forgot to include that option in the plugin (Header builder), but, you can disable the H1 tag for logo while using the basic headers of BeTheme in the Theme Options > Global > Logo

  • This is very unhelpful, when is the next update available?
  • We always make a BeTheme update at the monday, but it does not mean that "Muffin Header Builder" will get it too - we'll try to do it - but I cannot make a promise.
  • I'm very unhappy with this outcome.
  • If there is anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask.
  • Hi,

    I was unchecking the H1 warp in theme Options - Global - Logo when the plugin Header Builder is disabled, but the problem still persists when I activate Header Builder. I see the Header Builder Logo item did not got yet an update to control this. This is big issue for SEO - you do not want to have 2 H1 in you pages.

    It will force me to use my custom modified files for the headers builder plugin, or find another solution away from beTheme.

    Does anybody have some other tip?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hello @Heilstollen,

    Sorry, but unfortunately there is no option or workaround for that except doing modifications in Header Builder files.

    If you would like to see it in future updates, please, let us know in the following topic.


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