Improve sitespeed - what can I do?
My site built with WP is REALLY slow, scores 9/100 on Google page speed. I have already optimized all the pictures, and it is hosted where I normally host my sites and I've never had an issue with page speed for this web hotel.
I wonder if you can give me some advices here - love your theme but the site is incredibly slow! I got this recommendation from page speed insights, but I'm not sure if I can do it or if it will make my site unusable? Please see this printscreen ( - I appreciate all the help I can get!
Best regards, Emmi
"The first page drawing on the screen is blocked by resources. Insert the necessary JS / CSS code directly onto the page and postpone loading of less-important JS code / stylesheets. Read more.
"The first page drawing on the screen is blocked by resources. Insert the necessary JS / CSS code directly onto the page and postpone loading of less-important JS code / stylesheets. Read more.
There are a number of WordPress plugins that can help you add critical assets directly to the page or postpone the loading of less important resources. Keep in mind that the optimizations that these plugins do can cause them to function in themes or other plugins, so you may need to change the code."
- I had a similar issue with a site even if I had no issue before with the host, it was only because I reached an limit my host has and I was not aware before which is the number of files. it called that "inode usage". To me it really looks like and issue with the connection or the host because as shown on your printscreen, time to download a simple small file is way to long.
- Have you ever try to replicate the site?
- go to test in GTmetrix and go to the tab waterfall, it can help to identify the delay of each steps during the download
Hope it might help you