Custom copyright text in footer has a hyperlink


The footer in BeTheme has the ability to show a custom copyright text. The problem is that this text on my website is linked. And i don't mean the default link to Muffin Group.. This not happening on the frontpage and first i tought it only happens to Posts. But i found out it also happens to some other pages. So i cant find a common ground.

Frontpage (not linked):
Example other Page (linked):

The link probably comes from an image i hyperlinked (weeks ago) in the Footer menu (next to 'Privacy and Cookies Policy' and 'About'). I wasn't satisfied with the result and removed it. But it wasn't until later i found out the copyright text was suddenly linked with the same URL i used to direct the image to another website.

How do i unlink to copyright text? In Theme Options -> Footer there is only the copyright text. Nothing with a link in it.

Kind regards.


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