embed code not working in iPhone 7


I have embedded the code into the page it works fine in desktop view but not works in iphones. please check the link below:


  • Hello,
    All of the embeds and iframes are working fine with the BeTheme.
    I think, that the problem is related to your code, please double-check that your code is correct.
    Also, all of the HTML codes should be inserted in the "Column" item
  • hi,

    the code is correct because it works fine in a desktop view. you can also check the code through View Source. Only when you see the page in iphone it shows you blank. I also used the "Column" but it still shows blank in iphones. please check the page link uses Column with grey background.

  • I tested it on my server and it works.
    I applied it in the "Column" item and it works fine.

    Please disable all of the plugins, create a new page and insert this code in column item.
    It should work fine.
  • Hi there,

    the <embed> code does not works in mobile view. so i have changed it to <iframe> tag and now it's visible in mobiles as well. But <embed> code doesn't work even inside the column in mobile view. 
  • I'm not sure if <embed> is made for this purposes - it's usually used for elements that are on the server and for videos.

    Please leave the code in the iframe, it should be good for all devices.
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