Very low page speed on Google Insight Speed on mobile

I am using only necessary plugins, quite compressed images but page speed for Mobile on Google Insight Speed is very low (13 points). Do you have some recommendations what to do with you Theme to improve the index?

Kind regards


  • Hello Sławek,
    It depends in a lot of elements, please check if you:
    - Optimized all of the images
    - You are using the smallest amount of the plugins
    - Your page is minified/cached (if you are using shop, you have to avoid this point)
    - Your hosting is fast - this one is the most important one.

    You can also use the Static CSS option for boosting the website, but once you make it, you will have to update the static css file while one of your theme options changed.
    See the documentation:

    These are the most important things that can boost-up that scoring, as you can see, on our pre-built websites the google speed on mobile is quite good.
  • Why should I avoid minifiying or caching if I am using shop?
  • It may cause some issues since the shop is constantly changing. Also minification and caching has to be done properly. Just clicking the "on" button does not do the job.
    If you want to use cache and minification plugins then that is fine, but I would suggest you disable the minification of JS files.

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