Do you have an approximate idea how long it takes for the built-in WP-Bakery to become available? I thought when it happened, I would set a reminder for X-weeks. Thank you.
My theme says it is 21.7.7 but the installed plugins says 6.1 but no option to update. I installed Envato Market to see if that would help - but nothing new. I am using a child theme. Could that be the issue? Probably the issue is that I just don't know how to do this the proper way.
Tried switching the parent theme. I don't see any cacheing plugins. Still no luck. Maybe I just need to install it manually. Where is it in the download?
Well, you can simply remove and install the WPBakery once more, it will install the latest version of the plugin because we do not keep older version of the plugin so it always install the latest version.
It will not remove your content of the website, because it's all stored in the database, but to be 100% safe, please make a backup with that plugin:
Okay. I assume the plugin is inside the betheme folder I downloaded, but I don't see anything that looks right. I see a plugins folder that has elementor (folder) and a single visual-composer.php file. I also see a plugins folder that only has a magnetic-popup folder. Can you tell me the right path for this plugin?
I was making that harder than it needed to be. I uninstalled from the backend and then reinstalled it from the BeTheme plugins area and activated it. Hopefully, moving forward it will auto-update now.
you can install the bundled plugin from betheme>install plugins
If the newest version is not available yet, please wait for it.