Testimonials on mobile
We are using the default built in testimonials page element from BeTheme for our website.
We have a problem on mobile. The name of the person is under the dots. - https://imgur.com/a/8pdWKS1
Is it possible to remove the dots or to move them down so it doesn't get below the name?
Website link - https://heraclinics.com/
I have a couple more bugs that we need to fix:
1. Can the blogpost layout be different? I want the Published by, tags, categories and all posts elements to be under the post. 1st should be the image.
I'm attaching both screenshots in a single imgur link - https://imgur.com/a/4akV0h0
3) The menu pages on the bottom are unclickable. When you try to click them the phone navigation buttons appear. The page cannot be scrolled further so the buttons are unusable on mobile. - https://prnt.sc/tl6b20 How can we fix that? Can we change the line height of these texts so they stack closer to each other and stop leaving the viewport?
3) You can only do two things to achieve that:
4) We agreed that we can't move the blog post navigation down, but can I make it invisible?
Link to the webpage where you can check the elements: https://heraclinics.com/blog/uncategorized/website-na-medicinski-centar-hera/
Elements to remove: https://prnt.sc/tnus5i
About the square, please go to the Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General