#Footer { border-top: 1px solid #deddd9; }
Thank you so much Phil! Worked like a charm!
But it seems like this only disabled the problem from the front page - the space is still on the other pages. Any tips?
To have this work on every page, you just need to edit all of the pages and turn ON the option I mentioned before.
Best regards
To get rid of this gap, please, turn ON "Content | Remove Padding" in page options.
To disable the footer grid line, please, go to Betheme > Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS, find the following Code, and remove it. Thanks
Thank you so much Phil! Worked like a charm!
But it seems like this only disabled the problem from the front page - the space is still on the other pages. Any tips?
To have this work on every page, you just need to edit all of the pages and turn ON the option I mentioned before.
Best regards