WP Bakery Page Builder not editing the pages

I inherited a BeTheme website that someone else built. I purchased new licenses for BeTheme and WP Bakery and activated both.

I can edit the back end of the pages with WP Bakery but the updates won't publish. I can't edit the Frontend of the pages.

I contacted WP Bakery and they accessed the website and responded with this message:

"The issue is because the older visual composer (now WPBakery Page Builder) was modified by the theme author by customizing the existing elements and adding the new one's. Now when you updated it, the customization made by the theme author was lost which causes the issue. You can check it with the theme author if there is any way to preserve the customization done by him with the latest version, so that such an issue can be avoided at your end."

How do I fix the issue?


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