max_input_vars = 5000; max_execution_time = 60; is not recognized by BeTheme

could anyone please help me out. I am trying to fix this problem since 2 days. I am currently building 3 BeTheme Pages. Everything went well until it started, that I could not enter more content to one of my pages. → Therefore, I thought it is because of: max_input_vars

(1) Question:
Are I am on the right way, is all new content always deleted after I click on Update because I have reached the max_input_vars limit or is it something else?

(2) Question:
BeTheme > System status > PHP Time Limit = 30 (Minimum 60 is required) and PHP Max Input Vars = 1000 (Minimum 5000 is required)
→ I several times tried to fix it, but it never seemt to work. My host is → After several attempts the support service from 1und1 said, that it know must work and that the php.ini file is correct. → We tried to check if this is true through the php.infophp → which seems correct.

This is the content of my php.ini file:
memory_limit = 268435456
post_max_size = 67108864
safe_mode = off
upload_max_filesize = 67108864
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_vars = 5000

This the relevant copied section of my

max_execution_time 60
max_file_uploads 20
max_input_nesting_level 64
max_input_time -1
max_input_vars 5000

(3)→ Now the interesting question:
Why does BeTheme still say that PHP Time Limit still is 30 and PHP Max Input Vars still is 1000
and why can´t I still add no content. I mean, I can add content, but if I click on Update everything at the end of the page is gone.

Please, does anyone know what to do?


  • Hi,
    Please disable all of the plugins, clear the cache and check again.
  • Thank you for your response!

    I did. I disabled ALL Plugins and then cleared the cache. Closed the browser. Opened again and logged in → Nope did not work.

    ... I am currently restoring the page with the updraft log file.

    → The issue remains, if I want to add new sections, new columns, what ever, new content and I click on Update the last part of this specific page always is lost. → max_input_vars and time_limit still is not recognized.

    FYI: Plugins which are currently installed on this site:
    Yoast SEO (Premium)
    WP Bakery Page Builder
    WP Content Copy Protection (Premium)
    Wordfence Security
    Updraft Plus - Backup/Restore
    Slider Revolution
    Layer Slider WP
    jQuery Smooth Scroll
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP)
    Force Regenerate Thumbnails
    Easy Facebook Likebox
    Duplicate Post
    Contact Form 7
    Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode
    Add To Any Share Buttons
    1 & 1 Assistant

    What can I do to be able to finish and launch my page? (Including adding at least a little bit more content on this specific page. A few columns, pictures and words more and the page would be done)
  • Hi,

    Please go to your FTP, create a php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us a link to that file, license key, link to discussion and the wordpress admin credentials privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related to limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit

    1. If you are chatting with support via email, please do not post here.
    2. Attach your license key and the WordPress admin login credentials.
    3. Send a link to this discussion, so the email support knows where to look.

  • I did as you said and sent all relevant links, license keys, information and the credentials of an proper wordpress admin user account privately through that contact form.

    Hopefully you can resolve the issue. I am currently facing it on 3 BeTheme pages. Thank you for your support!
  • Since this is happening to all 3 of your websites on 1 hosting we susspect that the PHPinfo file values do not matter. It looks like the hosting provider has set special limits to wordpress installations. We see these kinds of behaviours recently very often. You should contact your hosting provider about this issue.
  • I contacted the 1and1 (hosting provider) support again to solve this problem.
    → They checked several times and said that the php.ini is definitely working correct.
    → It can´t be an issue of the hosting provider.

    I sent you the mail with all requested data ( link , an proper Wordpress Account to login, my purchasing licences etc.) → Have you already tried everything? Is there no chance that BeTheme runs correctly?
    I am currently running 3 pages with BeTheme and planing to build more. How should this be possible if BeTheme is not working fully, despite the fact the hosting provider had set all limits accordingly.

  • We can do nothing at all.
    BeTheme do not have limits, this can be only a hosting issue.
    Please try to copy one of your website to the local server or just on another hosting
    and check again.
  • The problem is solved.

    It was a hosting provider problem. After I asked the hosting provider what to do next to be able to finish my online projects and if I know have to change my hosting provider to have a fully working website, someone from the support instantly and very friendly solved the problem immediately. She said that it can be that this php.ini file only works locally and that it can be that the is not showing the values for all sub directories. However, they fixed it.

    Sorry for discommoding you & Thank you for your time, especially the hint that the error was on the side of the hosting provider.
  • Questions & sharing experiences:

    I've been having the same issue, I couldn´t add mor sections into my project!

    But I could resolve it at least the PHP Max Input Vars...

    Status before:


    Betheme --> Dashboard revealed:

    PHP Time Limit 30

    PHP Max Input Vars 1000

    --> Tools --> Site Health --> Infp --> Server revealed:

    PHP max input variables 1000

    PHP time limit 30

    Thus I put first both rows:



    into the php.ini file on the main public folder of the site.

    Although info.php showed up for max_input_vars 5000, the values @Wordpress stayed as above at 1000 and 30.

    But after several calls (hours!) with IONOS (formerly 1&1) support guys some wanted me to switch to a higher server, but others told me that with the actual server I wouldn´t reach de PHP Time Limit of 60 due to is limited, but the PHP Max Input Vars of 5000 isn´t!

    So, therefore I decided to replace the php.ini in all subfolders of wp-admin and wp-includes folders with the php.ini with the two additional lines, due to the php.ini is not heritable...

    Et voliá! =)

    At least I got the max_input_vars=1000 fixed into 5000, but not the PHP time limit, it is still at 30.

    1.) So here my question: Should I replace also all php.ini in the subfolders of wp-content?

    2.) Which disadvantage do i have, if the PHP time limit stays at 30?

    Best regards & thx in advance! =)

  • Hello @microelectrode,

    1) Sorry, but we do not provide support with file customization, and I cannot help you in that case.

    2) This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET. Timing begins at the moment PHP is invoked at the server and ends when execution begins. So when a more time-consuming operation is activated, then 30 sec cannot be enough for that.

    Also, remember that the Master value is more important than the Local value because it represents the actual server setting.

    Best regards

  • It is now 2021 and I'm having the same error (Bluehost). This is a brand new install of the Betheme, still on the Welcome page. Has this been solved? WordPress version = 5.6

    Here are the errors:

    System status shows: 

    PHP Time Limit = 30; notice says "minimum 60 is required, 180 is recommended."

    PHP Max Input Vars = 1000, notice says "Minimum 5000 is required"

    WP Version = 5.6 

    What has to happen for this to be solved?


  • Hello @Doriang,

    To solve this issue, you should contact your hosting provider to increase the values you mentioned.

    The values should be at least like the recommended (Time Limit: 180, and Max Input Vars: 5000).


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