I can't upload a simple GIF much less insert an iframe through the page builder ...

I am having some difficulties in uploading a simple GIF using thema builder from thema Betheme, when updating the page the GIF that should be animated, is like a static image.

In addition, I tried to use the page builder code block and insert an iframe, where there is also no animation that I would like to have on the site.

Taking advantage, I would like to know how I can insert a json file on a certain page of my website? This json file refers to an isometric type animation where you can usually find it on some sites, but I can't find an easy way to make this application using the page builder or another tool that thema Betheme offers. Could you help me, please??

Follow the links to take a look !!

PRINT iframe: https://prnt.sc/zwcqfj

PRINT pagebuilder: https://prnt.sc/zwcqfj

PRINT código block : https://prnt.sc/zwdf05

Reference site for animation, gif and json files: https://lottiefiles.com/featured?page=2


  • Hello,

    Sorry, but our theme does not support using JSONs.

    If you would like to make it work, you will have to use some third-party plugin, but we cannot recommend any plugins other than those we support. You can find the list on this page, in the sidebar:



  • edited February 2021

    Okay, but you completely question my question and help request, in addition to referring to the json file, I also mean why in the code block in the page builder you can't render a script confirm I sent you the prints and the link to a website that provides animation in the formats both Jason as well as in script and GIF's on the image board does not work either.

    I look forward to a plausible return that can justify my questioning since I ask the support of thema for help and this help is always clear.

  • The code is not rendering this script because this item is only for displaying the code on your website not to execute it.


    Try to paste it in column item instead.


  • Sorry but I am not able to understand your summary responses, in which you have not yet answered me as to why any GIF is not being rendered with animation but as a still image. You sent me this link but did not explain or advise me about it. Unfortunately, your support is very vague.

  • Please attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.

    Also, please tell me what item you use to display this GIF.


  • edited February 2021

    All the information as links to prints are in the first message of this conversation and I will paste again here, I do not know how difficult it is for you to read what is really written here.

    Copy of the first message made days ago!

    I am having some difficulties in uploading a simple GIF using thema builder from thema Betheme, when updating the page the GIF that should be animated, is like a static image.

    In addition, I tried to use the page builder code block and insert an iframe, where there is also no animation that I would like to have on the site.

    Taking advantage, I would like to know how I can insert a json file on a certain page of my website? This json file refers to an isometric type animation where you can usually find it on some sites, but I can't find an easy way to make this application using the page builder or another tool that thema Betheme offers. Could you help me, please??

    Follow the links to take a look !!

    Copy of the first message made days ago!

    I am having some difficulties in uploading a simple GIF using thema builder from thema Betheme, when updating the page the GIF that should be animated, is like a static image.

    In addition, I tried to use the page builder code block and insert an iframe, where there is also no animation that I would like to have on the site.

    Taking advantage, I would like to know how I can insert a json file on a certain page of my website? This json file refers to an isometric type animation where you can usually find it on some sites, but I can't find an easy way to make this application using the page builder or another tool that thema Betheme offers. Could you help me, please??

    Follow the links to take a look !!

    Reference site for animation, gif and json files: https://lottiefiles.com/featured?page=2

    Example of an animation that this site makes available in three formats:

    1- GIF (in the image block, it is as a static image and not as an animated GIF)

    2 - Json file: You told me that Betheme does not support Json files, ok, fine!

    3- Script: Where it should work in the page builder code block as shown in this print https://prnt.sc/1051r4z

    Once again I will exemplify here what happens in the case of the script copied from the link above:

    Step 1: https://prnt.sc/1051w3y

    Step 2: https://prnt.sc/1051xbo

    Step3: https://prnt.sc/1052fts

  • edited February 2021

    Example of an animation that this site makes available in three formats:

    1- GIF (in the image block, it is as a static image and not as an animated GIF)

    2 - Json file: You told me that Betheme does not support Json files, ok, fine!

    3- Script: Where it should work in the page builder code block as shown in this print https://prnt.sc/1051r4z

    Once again I will exemplify here what happens in the case of the script copied from the link above:

    Step 1: https://prnt.sc/1051w3y

    Step 2: https://prnt.sc/1051xbo

    Step3: https://prnt.sc/1052fts

  • Please, turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if this GIF in the image item works then.

    Also, you did not attach a link to your website.

    Moreover, as I said before, the Code item is not to execute the script placed inside it but to display it on the page.

    If the GIF in the image item will not work even after deactivating the plugins, please send us WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • Which link are you referring to that I didn't put on my website and which one are you asking me to attach here?

    Another question: I realized that this page builder code item is not accepting any type of code, be it a simple html, or even an iframe or script, so what types of framework, or small lines of code this item accepts, because I can't see iutility in it.

  • I want you to attach a link to your website where you have this issue, to the page that contains this "static" GIF.

    The Code item is not to execute the code that you place inside it but to display it on your website.

    If you would like to make the Code like the above work, you need to place it in the Column item.


  • Hi! I am having some problems again with thema Betheme. Maybe I am not doing something correctly and I need support guidance.

    It turns out that, on my website, where I use the Digital layout of Betheme, I am currently using the theme child, where I make some edits in the CSS. These CSS edits were made both in Theme Options and in style sheets. However, whenever we have a new update of thema, as well as Wordpress, I am always keeping everything up to date, but I notice that some editions such as icon colors, font colors of some text and other details simply disappear, I find it very laborious every time I happen to have to correct and edit again. Isn't there a way to keep the theme up to date on my Wordpress without affecting the edits I made to the code?

  • If you set a child theme correctly, then no modification should be gone.


    Did you try to put your custom CSS in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS, or in page options?

    Best regards

  • This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
    14.41 MB

    In case I copied the complete style sheet / * Theme options * / and added it in Theme Options as I show in the GIF, as you also showed me, it turns out, that some lines of CSS code only work correctly if I edit in the editor themas, which ends up not being very productive, because every time I update thema with its most recent version, my website goes back to the standard code and I always need to fix it. I need a solution for this please. What is the best way to keep my custom website in CSS without always having to correct these errors?

    That is, in the Theme Options panel, could I put any CSS code in it, even if it is not with the same classes that were originally used on the site? I have difficulty finding the correct classes in this theme so that I can reuse them in my edition in Theme Options.

  • Detail, I'm using the children's theme yes !!

  • Did you check the link I have sent in the previous message?

    If not, please, ensure that you set up your child theme correctly because, as I mentioned, no changes should be gone after an update.

    Best regards

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