Search custom fields not working
I want to use the search field what can be found in header top bar right for searching posts on colors.
So when I have a post of a trouser, I want to fill in custom fields with colors to find that blue trouser.
I have a post with advanced custom text fields. I filled in that field with the word "Blue".
With Relevanssi plugin I activated "find custom fields".
When I search on the homepagina in the search field (header top bar right) for "Blue", there are no search results. When I fill in "Blue is a beautiful color" in the post custom field and search for it, it can be found.
So short words can't be found...
When I deactivate betheme and activate any other theme (twenty seventeen for example), than I find the post when searching for "Blue". So I have this problem only with Betheme.
How is this possible? I thought Betheme used the Wordpress search?
Sorry, but we do not support the Relevanssi plugin, so we do not know which tags does it use, it could interfere in our script and it can cause such not relevant results.
Thank you for the response.
For who is interested, I found this solution for my problem.
Adding this to betheme child function.php:
function mfn_search() { }
I found the solution on this forum: