Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
Sorry about that
I have checked your website and the reverse order works as should.
Please, see the following screenshots:
this column is first on desktop
and the same column is last on mobile
Can you describe your issue in more detail, please?
Are you sure that you attached the correct page link?
Thanks for you quick response. :) is the correct page.
No mater which way the 'Order on mobile' switch is set (Default or Revers order) the column order, on mobile, doesn't change.
The natural column order here, on mobile, is with the green box at the bottom of the screen
If I set the switch to 'Reverse order' then I would assume that the second column (green box) should display on top but it doesn't.
The infobox is in a separate wrap, and the reverse order works for elements inside the wrap.
The option is working correctly, and in that case, you should use the reverse order option for the section, not the wrap.
Sorry for my late reply. Reversing the order on the section did the trick! Thank you. :)
You are welcome.
Good to hear that is working now.