Adding Google Analytics to Betheme>>SEO


I've been trying to add google analytics tracking code to my website. However, whenever I include <script> tag in BeTheme>>SEO>>Google Analytics section of the theme options It redirects to https://******.com/wp-admin/options.php with 403 error. Any other tag or even plain text results in successful save. However, whenever I try to add any text that includes the tag <script> it fails as described before.

Setup wise everything is correct.

Every single add-on has been disabled.

Any suggestions about what this is about and how to fix it?


  • Hello,

    I tested it on my development envoirment and it looks just as it should

    It looks like your server is blocking some kind of char which is inside the code you are trying to paste - you should contact your hosting provider and ask him about some logs, it wills surely give more light to that problem.


  • Already did and there is nothing wrong on the server side. I also have another wp&betheme setup on the same server and it just runs fine.

    the code I'm trying to implement to the textbox that has been given by the betheme options page is simple "<script></script> tag. and it doesn't include any thing within the open/close tags. I can successfully put <style> or <meta> tags but not <script> tag.

  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.


  • Credentials to WP dashboard has been sent.

  • You have to contact the hosting provider once more and ask him about some logs, maybe you have some option enabled which is not turned on in other sites.

    It's clearly refused by the server, see the response which comes from that request:

    It's an Server Error, the screenshot clearly says it.


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