Keep the default color for the navigation menu.  Make two rows of icons.

I am building a website with BeBuilder based on this template:

Could you please help this matter?

(1) Since I have Line below link, I want to keep the text in the navigation menu default color.

(2) to right-align the navigation menu.

(3) I want to have two rows of icons in mobile display.


  • Hello,

    1) Please, go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Colors -> Menu, and there you will be able to change that.

    2) Go to Betheme -> Theme options -> Menu & Action Bar -> Menu, and check the option Align Right.

    3) While editing your page with the BeBuilder, open the responsive mode, and adjust the size of these elements.


  • (2) and (3) are done. Excellent. Thanks!

    However ( 1 ) is still not solved.

    I want the Active Link color to be black and the Link border to be yellow.

  • For that you need to use this CSS Code:

    1. #Top_bar .menu > li a:not(.menu-toggle)::after{
    2.    background-color: #f6e846!important;
    3. }

    Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.


  •  Excellent! Thank you so much.

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