Can I use both BeBuilder and Elementor for my website?


I was wondering, is it possible to use both BeBuilder and Elementor to build a site?

Been using BeBuilder for over a month now and I absolutely fcking love it. But a fwe months I purchased a package which I could use with Elementor. And I would like to use it on my website.

So I'm wondering is it possible to use both bebuilder and elementor to build my site?

Saw this post but it only says that there are pages which also support the design with elementor.



  • Hi,

    Mixing two builders on one page is not recommended because it might cause unforeseen issues.

    Using one builder per page is safer, but still, it is better to use one builder for pages on your website.

    You can test that because there is still a possibility that it will work fine for your website.

    Best regards

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