Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
With a sticky header, you can build a completely new layout for a sticky version, while fixed is the main header section you create, and it always sticks to the top of your website (the sticky header has an animation when it appears).
There is nothing to fix because it works as it should, and they are two separate options. ?
When I fixed the position, the title came with me and I didn't understand what you were talking about.
In the panel presented to me, Sticky Header is sticky and when I asked you for a solution after giving the site address, you asked me to disable the sticky header part.
So you thought it was sticky.
But the problem was not sticky header. The problem was that the Position part was fixed.
In this case, when the sticky header is set to disabled in the panel, you must ensure that the position part is also default. So we can prevent the header from sticking. As we go down, we can prevent him from coming with us.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
You have a header built with the Header Builder, and you need to disable the sticky header in the template options.
Please, check the following link:
Best regards
I think there is a problem you need to fix.
Because the Sticky header option is already disabled.
In the Header section of the Header options section, I made the Position part Default instead of Fixed. Problem solved.
So when the position is fixed, the header shows sticky behavior.
Sticky and fixed are not the same.
With a sticky header, you can build a completely new layout for a sticky version, while fixed is the main header section you create, and it always sticks to the top of your website (the sticky header has an animation when it appears).
There is nothing to fix because it works as it should, and they are two separate options. ?
Best regards
When I fixed the position, the title came with me and I didn't understand what you were talking about.
In the panel presented to me, Sticky Header is sticky and when I asked you for a solution after giving the site address, you asked me to disable the sticky header part.
So you thought it was sticky.
But the problem was not sticky header. The problem was that the Position part was fixed.
In this case, when the sticky header is set to disabled in the panel, you must ensure that the position part is also default. So we can prevent the header from sticking. As we go down, we can prevent him from coming with us.