Responsive Toggle Value



  • @artdesigngmbh What exactly does not work? Please show us.
  • Please check this link with a resolution under 1024px:
    If I test it with my iPad - the menu displayed under the logo in a second row!
  • @muffingroup has it changed now? I can't find the mentioned file to make my menu appear on smaller screens. 


  • @artdesigngmbh On devices under 960px, menu shows under logo as you mentioned and of course this is proper behavior. You have too many items in menu and that's why we did "Responsive menu" instead. So in this case we do not see anything wrong or weird.

    @theamados No, it doesn't. It works the same way for all the time and if you don't have this file, means that something must be wrong with your theme or you are looking in wrong place.
  • I would like to modify css/responsive-1240.css file, but not in parent theme only in child theme. How to properly enqueue responsive-1240.css file into functions.php? thanks for advise!
  • @vlasta Unfortunately inside child theme this is not possible to edit those values.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • So in in every update of the theme we have to go and edit the responsive-1240.css file !

    Nice user-friendly approach.

    This feature (the menu to have its break-point in 992px instead of 1240px) should be built-in into the theme as an option.

    You (muffingroup) see that this feature has been asked many times in this support forum.

    And your approach is to redirect to this thread, which suggest users to modify the theme core files.

    Why don't you at least give the option to override in the child theme, or as a last resort at the custom css in the theme options?

  • @gtaranti We know this should be but unfortunately it is not possible. If this will be done as an option, will destroy thousand of user websites.
  • From my little experience in web development / programming, I only could say this :

    "NOTHING is impossible"

    But everything requires some small or bigger effort to be done.
  • edited May 2015
    @gtaranti Yes, your right. Nothing is impossible but when this option will be added, this will destroy thousand of websites. That's why this can not be done.
  • You can unload responsive-1240.css file and load your own child one.
    In your functions.php :

    wp_dequeue_style( 'mfn-responsive-1240');
    wp_enqueue_style( 'mfn-responsive-1240-child', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/responsive-1240.css');
  • +1 for this toggle built into the theme management.
  • edited June 2015

    May I propose simply adding a new file that replicates your "responsive-1240.css" with the smaller breakpoint changes applied; maybe a "breakpoint-768.css" file? Then, much like you have a simple on or off toggle option for the 960 grid, perhaps this new mobile menu breakpoint toggle option would apply @euryasarl's suggestion above. Something like,

    wp_dequeue_style( 'mfn-responsive-1240');
    wp_enqueue_style( 'mfn-breakpoint-768');

    Of course, I imagine this new breakpoint toggle would default to "OFF" in your next update so as not to break the layouts of the thousands of customers who are not expecting a change. 

    But if this suggestion makes sense, those of use who would like to implement a smaller breakpoint would have the option available and can style it appropriately in from our child theme. We would have the peace-of-mind knowing that we will not miss out on future theme updates that might be applied to your responsive-1240.css file; which you'll now also maintain for breakpoint-768.css file as well.


  • @craighobson At this moment we work on some very important features but we can consider this also in the future.
  • Can't wait to see what's coming down the pipeline! Thanks for all you guys do.
  • Thank you to @euryasarl and @craighobson - We were able to do this in our child theme's functions.php to change the min/max width of when the mobile menu toggle appears!
  • Hello, 

    I love the theme, congratulations... My website is

    My problem is that: the menu does not appears in iPad and in small desktops.
    I need to change the minimal value to start the responsive menu.

    I changed the configuration to 960px Grid, but the menu stick broken, don't is working well.

    After that I change the CSS of the logo header, but... Well, I don't get to do this myself.

    p.s. sorry about my poor english... :)
  • @paulodetarso The only solution to change responsive menu toggle is this topic. If you did everything as we explained above, and this does not meet with your needs, then unfortunately we do not have any other recommendation.
  • edited June 2015
    I bought this theme for a rush job but I see during assembly and responsive in the smartphone does not work and the layout is completely different. The tablet is Ok .
    What can I do?
  • @slc64 What help you exactly need? Because if you want to change toggle value for responsive menu items, everything was explained in this topic and we do not understand what else you need.
  • edited July 2015
    Hello everybody. Thank you for the ideas how to change the responsive behaviour of the menu.
    1. duplicate the 1240-css to child-theme
    2. Change the breakpoints in the copied 1240-css
    3. wp_enqueue and wp_dequeue
    Works! Super!

    But, somehow, the original 1240-css from the parent-style is still being loaded...
    wp_dequeue_style( 'mfn-responsive-1240'); doesn't really stop the loading of the file...
    Does anyone have a better idea than renaming the original CSS-file?
  • @mjammjamdesign This file can be changed only in parent theme and it is not possible to do not load this file unfortunately.
  • This makes this theme unusable to me. I paid money to not have to code. Why this is an issue is beyond me. I hope it is resolved quickly so I can use this theme in the future. 
  • The solution is for the theme authors to modify the script and css they are already using and a little bit of php.  Not too much work really.

    1) Register new option in theme options - call it something like "mobile menu breakpoint override" (maybe provide a drop-down w/ suggestions w/ last option being user definable in px)

    2) Modify js that assigns mobile classes to now look for the json of the new option we defined. If default, we use existing 1240css, otherwise we load custom php css that defines media queries using new db option and also alter the portion of the js script that assigns the breakpoint class toggles, again if json value = this, toggle classes at x px instead

  • @pingram3541 Do you know that your solution will break the layout for all current sites built with BeTheme? You did not mentioned about that so you probably don't know. We know very well that this can be done but what with over 15000 websites built with Be? Can you imagine thousand of complaints?
  • Yes I am aware and fully understand your concerns, as they would be mine as well.  I will pm you my thoughts =)
  • I too vote for a better solution as the "hamburger" menu has been proven to be bad for ux. Though I don't think a single toggle value would work for everyone.

    I would love to be able to enter the exact screen width at which to switch to minimize the menu, just as you've done for the grid size in your recent updates.

    Or another idea might be to make it easy to create separate custom menus and opt to display the appropriate menu at the various screen values.

    Thanks for all the support you provide for this great theme!

  • sbxstrategiesmuffingroup  this is a bug that you must fix, I saw this problem in a couple of monitors and I don't know how to code, that is the reason for me to buy a theme already made. I bought many many other responsive themes and non of them have this problem. The menu must change only on tablets and cell phones, not 1000 px monitors. I don't know what to say to my client, I will have to give him his money back, all for this issue.
  • edited November 2015
    Ah! Version 10.5 addresses this issue. Awesome work MuffinGroup! Thank you!

    Appearance > BeTheme Options > Responsive > General > Responsive Menu Initial width

    Changelog from Today's update:
    1. Added: Responsive Menu Initial width select (768px - 1240px)
  • @craighobson Yes, we added this feature finally :) Hope that would be much easier now.
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