Tag filter disappeared

edited July 2023 in Blog

Hi, I created a shortcode for a blog and entered the filter via filters="1".

Then on the page I inserted these lines of css:

li.categories {display: none;}

li.authors {display: none;}

i.icon-tag {display: none;}

#Filters .filters_buttons { background-image: none;}

to hide categories and authors from filters.

Initially everything worked, but then the filter bar disappeared.

The page is here https://mec-partners.it/genus/education/

I tried the short code in a column and in a tabs element

Here's a screenshot. Above the first element "Bozza 1" there should be the filters tab, but is disappeared.

Here's the shortcode I used:

[blog count="10" style="grid" columns="3" title-tag="h6" images="0" category="adulti" category_multi="" orderby="date" order="DESC" exclude_id="" filters="1" excerpt="1" more="1" pagination="" load_more="" greyscale="" margin="" events=""]

Can you help me fix it?

I also noticed that although in the shortcode I have indicated an h6 as the titletag, the element is still an h2.

EDIT: the problem is when I set a category for the bog, it makes the filters disappear. Also the filters are not showing in the tabs element shortcode even if I don't set the category.

Thank you



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