Unable to edit blog page using prebuilt website

Good afternoon,

I'm having a struggle trying to edit the blog page for my website, built on the prebuilt theme Agency 7. I seem to have lost the content that was originally on there entirely now, as seen in the screenshot, but I am also completely unable to edit the page at all using BeBuilder (including changing it to "blocks" builder mode - when it reloads, it just shows the "live" mode).

I've also tried to build a new blog page but am unable to get any of the layouts in the BeTheme Options to work after following the video guide (which may be a bit outdated).

As you can see in the screenshot, when I enter BeBuilder on the blog page it also displays the WordPress bar on the top which it doesn't do for any of the other pages on the website. It's still using the default template, so I 've not changed anything there either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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