Import header from prebuilt site and edit header from prebuilt site

I purchased Btheme about a week ago or so and I have been reading and watching videos but I am not really getting it. I imported the entire website of Safari 2 to test out how everything works. I would like a header menu with a dropdown menu like the prebuilt site Leasing 2 has for Offers. I can't figure out how to edit the header for Safari 2 to change how the menu works and looks to make it look like Leasing 2. I tried to import the header for Leasing 2 but that doesn't do anything. I click Import and it just circles forever and nothing happens.

What does importing BEFORE and AFTER builder content mean when importing a single page?

Also, when importing a prebuilt site, what is the difference in Content and Theme Options when using the Selected Data Only option? What is imported when selecting those? The import


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