bug between "slides"-"popup" and "lightbox image"

The scope I want to reach is to have a carousel slider where when you click on an image, the popup appears with the bio of the person.

Steps I did:

  1. Templates - Add New - Popup - Create template
  2. Set the popup as follow: https://i.postimg.cc/MKYJFny7/01.png
  3. Slides - Add New
  4. Set the slide as follow: https://i.postimg.cc/qqCWwRp3/02.png
  5. When I open the website and I click on the image, this happens: https://i.postimg.cc/7Y1qrsyT/03.png
  • I didn't change anything (brand new installation with "default" template)
  • The website is in localhost

If I check on chrome, F12, for the white box on the left:

" <div data-id="439" id="mfn-popup-template-439" class="mfn-popup-tmpl mfn-popup-tmpl-center mfn-popup-tmpl-width-default mfn-popup-tmpl-display-on-click mfn-popup-tmpl-close-button-hidden mfn-popup-close-on-overlay-click mfn-popup-close-button-right mfn-popup-tmpl-close-button-show-on-start mfp-inline" data-closebuttondelay="3000"><div class="mfn-popup-tmpl-content"><a href="#" class="exit-mfn-popup exit-mfn-popup-abs">✕</a><div class="mfn-popup-tmpl-content-wrapper"><div class="mfn-builder-content mfn-popup-tmpl-builder"><section class="section mcb-section mfn-default-section mcb-section-a95qehd8c default-width" style=""><div class="mcb-background-overlay"></div><div class="section_wrapper mfn-wrapper-for-wraps mcb-section-inner mcb-section-inner-a95qehd8c"><div class="wrap mcb-wrap mcb-wrap-fmm7a27k one tablet-one laptop-one mobile-one clearfix" data-desktop-col="one" data-laptop-col="laptop-one" data-tablet-col="tablet-one" data-mobile-col="mobile-one" style=""><div class="mcb-wrap-inner mcb-wrap-inner-fmm7a27k mfn-module-wrapper mfn-wrapper-for-wraps"><div class="mcb-wrap-background-overlay"></div><div class="column mcb-column mcb-item-jdksuukri one laptop-one tablet-one mobile-one column_column" style=""><div class="mcb-column-inner mfn-module-wrapper mcb-column-inner-jdksuukri mcb-item-column-inner"><div class="column_attr mfn-inline-editor clearfix" style=""><p>Ante consectetur arcu vitae praesent posuere tellus euismod fringilla dapibus fermentum vitae laoreet quisque ac.</p>

<p>Pharetra ornare tristique torquent erat justo eros lacinia pharetra odio potenti nec bibendum nec maecenas.</p>

<p>Ultrices porta inceptos odio justo porta fames curabitur gravida dapibus.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div><button title="Close (Esc)" type="button" class="mfp-close">×</button></div>

Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this white box on the right side (it shouldn't be there at all)? Or maybe you have a different suggestion to reach my scope? (No button wanted)



  • Hi,

    Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.


  • As mentioned, the website is on localhost and the customer wants to have the slider before going online.

    Please see the screenshots provided and the explanation. If any more info are needed, please ask and I will be more than happy to provide them to you

  • Unfortunately, screenshots are not enough.

    I must check it on a live website to tell what could be wrong.

    Best regards

  • I'll try to make it online asap to show you the issue

  • The website is: https://kingsclash.com/ but the slider is not published since the client doesn't want to have it public unless it's fixed.

    How should we proceed?

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Done, thank you very much

  • Sorry, but the login credentials you sent are not working:

    Please ensure that you sent the correct username and password.


  • I just sent a new one, please check

  • Thank you for placing it live and leaving it there. I just received a call for this.

    Fortunately I was cristal clear: doesn't want to have it public unless it's fixed.

    I hope this gets fixed soon, but this is the last time I choose betheme. No ticketing support and requests treated this lightly.

  • Sorry, but I have no idea what you refer to.

    I received your new (working) credentials just a while ago, and I have not yet performed any actions on your website, so I did not even have a chance to put anything live.

    By the way, the images you attached at the beginning are no longer available. Can you resend them, please? I want to be sure that I am looking at the same place as you.


  • The slider element is not suitable for such a construction.

    I have created a new page called BeSupport test page where I created Query Loop with what you want to achieve.

    Please check how this construction is done and use it in the same way on your home page.

    Best regards

  • Ok thanks. That should be considered a bug though as slider is a slider and the popup is a popup...if they don't work as intended, they should be debugged to fix it. Meanwhile I see if this is going to work as I need to change where the title is shown and its style (over the image and much smaller and a background, something like a "lable")

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