WooCommerce Templates are not working

I am setting up WooCommerce product category templates.

I have a template for each product category that I want subcategories displayed and I have a separate template for the categories that I want single products displayed. They work great when I set them up and choose the category that I want them used for, but then hours later they default back to standard WooCommerce setup.

For example this should be a category page: https://winnieindustries.mystagingwebsite.com/product-category/j-hooks/

It should look like this:

This should be a products page https://winnieindustries.mystagingwebsite.com/product-category/other-products/

It should look like this:

Again, when I save them, they work for a number of hours and then default back.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?


  • Hi,

    Did you try disabling your plugins to see if none of them causes it?

    I would assume some cache plugins, but to be sure, it would be better to disable them all except WooCommerce.

    Best regards

  • I will try that and reach back out on Monday if the problem still occurs. Thank you.

  • So I've turned off all the plugins as requested except for WooCommerce and I'm still having the same issue. What is the next step?

  • Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact. We will then check what the reason might be.


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  • Thank you. Done.

  • I received your message, and we are checking that now.

    I saved the template and am waiting until it is unassigned from this category to replicate your issue.

    Are there any steps to speed up this process, or it happens after a couple of hours?

    Best regards

  • It seems like it takes a couple hours at a minimum. I resaved the templates on Friday afternoon - they worked then and came back and checked them on Sunday and they were no longer working.

    I think there was one day I saved them in the morning (9-10 am) and then by 3 pm they were no longer working.

    Thank you for your help.

  • I have saved your template and since then it remained untouched.

    Did you perform any modifications on your website since yesterday, or you did not touch it?

    Best regards

  • After a couple more hours, the correct template still displays.

    It is hard to determine what could be triggering it, but we will still keep an eye on it.

    Best regards

  • It seems as though ANY plugin activation triggers it. Not a specific plugin, but EVERY plugin. That doesn't seem like a plugin conflict, it seems like a flaw.

    I've tried saving the templates and activating one plugin at a time to find out if there is a conflict causing the templates to revert, every plugin I've activated has caused them to revert. I've currently got Contact Form 7 activated.

    Have you ever seen that happen before?

  • I have never encountered anything similar before.

    I tried to replicate the steps you mentioned, but I did not succeed in replicating your issue.

    Please check the video I recorded:

    Perhaps I am following these steps incorrectly, so please point me to how I should proceed.

    Best regards

  • You are doing it correctly, it just takes a while before the template stops working.

    If you check the same page your referenced using the template: https://winnieindustries.mystagingwebsite.com/product-category/j-hooks/ you can see it's reverted.

    It's incredibly frustrating.

  • So I'm going to create pages instead of templates for the main landing pages. The only one that I"m going to try to work with is the template for individual products called Products. I have to get this website working so that I can launch it. If you can continue to look into it, that's great, but I might have to do without the templates for WooCommerce items.

    The other tempates are unaffected. Header and footer templates work with all the plugins fine.

  • We are going to keep checking on that.

    Is there an approximate time when it will happen?

    I deactivated and reactivated plugins about 30 min ago, and the template remains assigned.

    Best regards

  • After a couple of more hours, the template remains assigned.

    The only thing that I can think about at the moment is your server cause. I am not a server expert, so I have no idea what the root cause could be, so it would be best if you contact your server administrator to consult this.

    Best regards

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