Change Licence Key in wordpress admin panel

Hi team,

  1. I recently purchased a new license key for our website but encountered an issue while attempting to update it. The "Deregister" option does not seem to be functioning as expected. I require assistance in updating the license key.
  2. We previously engaged a developer to work on our website, but they are no longer with us. Currently, we are facing an issue with the website header. Despite attempting to modify the header layout through Theme Options > Header, the changes do not reflect, and the header remains unchanged. Could you please investigate the issue and advise on how it can be resolved.

I am not sure if this is a private ticket and not visible to everyone. If it is not visible to anyone other than me and the support staff, please let me know so that I can share wordpress admin panel login credentials.

Thanks in advance


  • Hey,

    Please send us your license key, the WordPress dashboard, and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Thank you for your response. I have just sent the required information as above.

  • I received your private message with accesses, but you did not attach your license key.

    Please send another message with complete data.


  • The theme you currently have installed is from some pirated one, and the following code indicates that:

    This part should not be there.

    Download a fresh Betheme package from ThemeForest, replace the current one you have with the downloaded one, and register it with this new license.

    Best regards

  • Hi team,

    I have replaced old theme with new theme. It is now showing that theme is updated with version 27.6.1. I have tried changing the header to a different layout but the issue is still the same. Changing the header style does not change the header on the website.

    Need your support please.

    Thanks in advance

  • I need you to tell me what precisely you want to edit.


  • Hi Team,

    We are experiencing an issue with our website. Despite purchasing the theme and replacing the old theme with the new one as advised, the problem persists. When attempting to apply different header layouts from *Theme Options > Headers*, the selected changes are not reflected on the website's header.  

    We would like to test various header layouts offered by the theme, but the updates are not being applied as expected.  

    We would appreciate your support in resolving this matter.

    Note: Once we select any header, it does not reflect any changes in the header.

  • 1) Headers from theme options do not work because you have it created with the Elementor:

    So you must use Elementor to edit it or remove it to use header styles from theme options.

    2) You have two catalogs on your server:

    One is correctly installed and has an active theme, and the second (betheme-new) has another catalog and zip archive inside it, and in the themes catalog, only themes should be placed. You can remove this betheme-new catalog.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    Hope you are doing well.

    I have remove all the templates and removed the header from within the elementor but no default header was showing up after this step. Image is attached for your reference.

    > Templates > Saved templates > all headers deleted

    > Layouts > no template found

    > ElementsKit > no template found

    All the above sections are now empty and don't have any active header templates as before but issue is still the same.

    Also, I have removed betheme-new directory as it was not in use.


  • Sorry, I forgot that Elementor Header and Footer Builders work in pairs. That means if you create one of these templates, both the header and footer will be removed from the theme.

    So, to have a header from theme options, you must ensure that you do not have any header or footer Elementor templates active.

    Best regards

  • I have now removed both header and footer. The website is still not showing any header from theme options.

    Here are screenshots of header and footer after removing both from elementor.



  • There is still some plugin that prevents header from theme options from displaying.

    I have switched to draft header and footer templates:

    And disabled all plugins except Contact Form 7, Elementor, Elementor PRO, YOAST SEO, and YOAST Premium. After that header appeared:

    Please disable your plugins one by one to find which is the root cause.

    Also I will leave your header and footer templates set to draft.

    Best regards

  • Dear Team,

    We are facing this issue next to the logo. It shows 50% of our users. we were capturing data from our users then we found this issue. please resolve this matter.


  • It displayed like this for me on Chrome:

    Again, after disabling plugins we do not support, the display went back to normal:

    Disable your plugins one by one to find the culprit.

    Best regards

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