Suggestions/Bugs related with new Muffin Builder 3.0 (Beta Version)
Before installation, please read carefully!
Beta version of Muffin Builder 3.0 may contain minor bugs, so:
- please use only for the development purposes
- please do not use it on already working websites (especially on customers websites)
We would appreciate your suggestions and report eventually bugs related with new Muffin Builder 3.0 (Beta Version).
Before installation, please read carefully!
Beta version of Muffin Builder 3.0 may contain minor bugs, so:
- please use only for the development purposes
- please do not use it on already working websites (especially on customers websites)
We would appreciate your suggestions and report eventually bugs related with new Muffin Builder 3.0 (Beta Version).
@craighobson Thanks for you such a nice words
No bug found so far. Very fast opening and closing items, indeed.
One thing, though, the Rev Slider plugin bundled with builder 3.0 is and not the more recent 5.0.9 on the non beta betheme zip. Dunno if there are other version discrepancies like this.
Best regarda!
@pingram3541 After update, you must set sidebars as "Sidebar widget" item. And yes, we are planning those options for wraps. But this needs time as we can not do everything at once.
I think i've found an issue/bug concerning SECTION and WRAPS background images, happening with many of websites i developed, even with the last updates 10.4:
Description: if i have 2 ore more sections, and in the last one i put the Background IMG in section, or Wrap, when i save, the BG image is automatically moved to the first Section...
if there are 3 images and i put caption on the last one only, automatically it goes in first