Betheme And Revolution Slider malfunction


I used the default theme to use for my website! And as i know the revolution slider section is imbedded in the hompage section of the theme layout.
When a slider is selected, an Revolution Slider error message appears at the top of the homepage, indicating that the slider alias has to be HOMEPAGE.

So i changed the slider alias to home page and the slider appeared at the top of the homepage which i want! 

I then changed a few settings in the bethem options. returned to my website and saw my revolution slider does not appear at the top anymore, instead it is in the bottom of the page.. Which was confusing. There also seems to be a header bar that says 'home'.

I think that is the problem, but i cant seem to fix it. The Revolution slider for the hompage has somehow been pushed to the bottom of the page, and i cant move it to the top .... 

can someone help..? take a look at what im talking about: 

i will appreciate if you guys can help me, as Revolution Slider's support team have been absolutely rubbish in addressing this issue.

Thank you


  • Hey,

    from current site, we have no idea what you did exactly but if you had a message about not existing slider alias homepage, it means you simply forgot to import slider for the demo what has been explained on
  • thank you , the problem is resolved.

    However i have another issue needing to be addressed by you.

    im using the default theme template.. 

    i have uploaded my custom company logo on my site.. However when the blog page has teh Betheme logo? 

    i cant make out why this is happening. in global settings my logo is the custom logo!
  • Please send us link to page where you got BeTheme logo instead of custom.
  • This is the Blog page, on my website

  • also i cant get my custom theme to be big.

    Ive tried pixels up to 4000 x 4000 but it seems to be not reading the pixels and the logo appears to be very small in the corner. 

    Can you help with this please.! 
  • This looks like you use custom layouts for pages. We suggest to check Layouts section where all layouts are because this could be the reason why you got default logo instead of own.

    But to increase logo size, please go to Theme options > Global > Logo section where this can be done.
  • yes but under the Global>Logo settings you cant manually adjust the sizes for the logo. The only options are to upload the logos, assuming the size of the logo is only determined by the pixel dimensions. 

    so that is why im asking why does my logo appear really small when i surpass over 4000 x 4000 pizel dimension.. ..? 

    And The Blog page is the only page which as shows the default theme logo.. ? how to i change it?because the Layouts have no entries ??
  • Please update your theme version then and you will see the right option. You don't see it because you don't have recent version installed.
  • yes im aware, however, i expected the theme to download update automoatically via the Word press dashboard. nor have i got an internal update alert. I assume i cant update internally, but i will have to manually update the theme, by re downloading the theme zip and installing it ?

    That is a little, inconvenient, especially if updating this theme manually has a risk of deleting my current customized theme. ?
  • You won't lose any customization or settings if you did not modified theme files because all settings and options are stored in database.
  • hi , imi stillhaving trouble with the blog page?? it still shows the Be|theme logo.. can you please change it for me? i will provide you with my log in details. please this is gone on for weeks now i cant afford to lose precious time.. 
  • Please send us private message and we will proof that you are wrong!
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