Bundled Product - Variation Tables Not Populating


Please see the page above. The product variations are not able to be selected, and therefore the product cannot be added to the cart. The products work on an individual level (most of these are hidden from the catalog and were made specifically for this product bundle, but the first one is a typical product so that can't be it.) See... These work fine: https://www.tantravape.com/product/small-dual-coil-atomizer/

I recently installed the product bundles plugin and there don't seem to be any errors on the website. Something is just not getting through correctly.

Any help could be appreciated.l


  • Hi,

    did you switched to default WP theme and checked if it does not work the same way with default theme?
  • Interestingly enough, the problem is still there. So I doubt this is something you guys will support. I will go to the wordpress.org forums. thank you.
  • I did however notice that the options load up, but after a half a second disappear when a stylesheet gets loaded and adds a "display:none;" tag directly to the element. There is no source for this style anywhere in the inspector tools. So I am unable to figure out which element exactly is being selected or where I can stop it.
  • Because the same thing happen with default WP theme there is nothing what we can do to help you because the problem is not related with theme as you see. This is something related to your extra plugins, wordpress installation or even server.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • This seems to be a common problem when using variation products with the Bundled, or Composite product plugins from woocommerce. It is actually their scripts that were hiding the products. A few simple stylesheet additions were able to resolve the issue. I could literally stop the page in the middle of loading and they were there, but 0.5ms later gone. Looked through all of the network resources during that timeframe and it was woocommerce plugins causing it. Nothing to do with your theme at all.
  • Great, we are glad to hear that :)
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