product pages have two times H1 when using subheader

I already signaled this problem, but there is still no solution. On a product page, when using the subheader there are two H1.

See it for yourself, 'Shop' in subheader is H1 and the product name is H1:

This is a No-Go for SEO and I don't know how to fix it myself. When will you have an update for this?


  • Hey,

    we`ll add option to remove "Shop" h1 from single product page with next update.

    Thanks for suggestion.
  • Thanks muffingroup!
  • Hi Muffin, really good job you did remove the h1 in subheader for the shop.
    But why did you replace it with an h2 and not a p-tag?
    Two problems. The page as it is now begins with an h2 with 'shop' in it and then continues with an h1 with the name of the product in. An h2 of course should come after an h1. And an h2 for 'shop' is not logical.
    This edit can make all product pages better seo-wize.
  • So you think p tag will be much better then header tag? As far as we know, on most pages headers like texts in subheader should be wrapped into header tags. We`ve been working with many seo agencies in the past and they said that each heading (like titles in subheader) should be wrapped only in h tags.
  • OK, thanks. You are right of course, but my seo program complains that there should not be an h2 tag before an h1 :-) And to me it looks logical that 'shop' in a h2 is not an added value. But I'm going to dig into this further. Thanks for your quick reply.
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