Responsive Toggle Value

My menu is short enough to fit on a 960px wide browser window.
But it gets set to minimize underneath a value of 1260px or so.
Is there away to adjust this value?

Thanks in advance for any advice!


  • So you mean to get whole website with 960px width instead of 1260px or you talk about menu only?
  • Just the menu. I want to minimize it below a width of 960px. Not 1260px.
  • Please send us access to your wp dashboard on pm with link to this topic and we`ll try to do something. We need this access because it`s really hard to do it from firebug section as we need to check everything (responsive as well).
  • I too would like to have the menu switch to the mobile version only on devices smaller than an iPad. Currently it switches to the mobile version on iPads and small desktops.  :(
  • @firebranddesigns You need to send us the same access as we requested on because for that must be rebuilt responsive.css. We can do it for you and they we`ll describe here what should be done to do it but at first we must test it on your website.

    This changes could be ready on Monday because currently we got really big queue :)

    Thanks for understanding and your patience!
  • edited February 2015
    What should be done to get mobile menu only on mobile devices, was modification in css/responsive-1240.css or css/responsive-960.css file in line 5 (depends what theme layout you use - by default it is 1240 so you must change the 1st file). We replace below line:
    1. @media only screen and (min-width: 1240px) {
    1. @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    Also you must change line 204. Replace below code:
    1. @media only screen and (max-width: 1239px) {
    1. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    But we do not recommend it for most users because if your menu got more menu items, then menu won`t look good on devices like ipad. What you can also try to do is use instead of 768px use 960px but this solution will be good for only some of you. Basically on other devices then computers we recommend to use regular "Mobile menu" which is nicer, looks much better and there is not problems with displaying it.
  • I'm trying to follow this but I cannot locate that line. 
  • @marius7 Maybe you can`t because got new theme files where we added 960px grid. Since this version responsive has been splitted on 2 files and you should look this line in css/responsive-1240.css file.
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to do the same thing and can't seem to locate that css file.  Can you please tell me the exact location ?

    Thank you
  • @jtrandental Few version back, we splitted responsive.css file on 2 different files - responsive-1240.css and responsive-960.css. So if you use 1240px grid then you should modify responsive-1240.css file.
  • That did not work for me- the menu is still minimizing into 3 little bars.  
  • The menu is not showing up even on my 13inch macbook viewed on safari...
  • @jtrandental Maybe you got cache plugin and that`s why you don`t see changes. We tested this solution and works on 100%. But if you don`t have cache plugin, then probably you did wrong something else while modification.
  • can you please help me figure out what is wrong?  I don't have cache on my browser.  It is kind of ridiculous that the menu is not showing up even on standard size monitor displays.  Thank you
  • @jtrandental If you will send us access to your wp dashboard and FTP on pm then we`ll be able to have a look on it.
  • That solution DID work for me @jtrandental - Maybe it is your cache
  • We agree with @marius7 because we tested it on some other pages and all works fine. Usually the problem is with cache or other things on creator side.
  • Hi - I'm sorry to go over old ground but could you help me locate the css file. I thought it would be accessed through Appearance>Editor but I can't find it. Can you help point me in the right direction please?

  • @gregoryvillalobos This file won`t be in wordpress editor and also we do not recommend to modify theme files this way. File can be found via FTP. So get access to your server via FTP and modify files this way.
  • OK - thanks. I don't have access to the FTP at the mo. It's a shame it's not an easy fix as the main navigation is a very important part of the front page experience, being able to see at a glance what the content of the website is.

    Do you know of any other solution?

  • There is not other solution for that. At this moment we have no idea what other way this can be changed but we`ll think about solution for that in future updates.

    BTW You should also know that it`s shame to do not have access to FTP. This is the most important thing if you build website. What will you do if something happen with wordpress files? What then? This is just wordpress and lot`s of hackers is hacking websites based on this system. In the future someone can destroy your website and then without FTP you won`t be able to do anything. That`s why you should better think about this access as without that you will get stack on 1st easier thing (like this one for example).

    Thanks for understanding!
  • edited November 2014
    I had a question, but I found the answer, so nevermind :-)
  • For clarification, when modifying the responsive-1240.css file which line/lines should be replaced with 

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {

    Thank you.
  • We have altered line 199 and this seems to have resolved the issue. Please let us know if there are any other lines which we should alter.

    Sara K
  • @saraknab24 There is only one line with this part of code what means that you changed right line.
  • worked fine for me, thanks muffingroup

  • What do you advise for version control? I want to do this but how can I make it work in my child theme? Do you have any roadmap plans to make it a UI options such as trigger mobile nav at: x y z screen widths? That would be better for me as I worry about having to edit the parent theme files and do it every time you update the theme.

  • edited February 2015
    @gatehousewebdesign With child theme unfortunately this won't be possible because as you can read on child theme works only with style.css file.
  • I have customized the menu as described, but it is then displayed in landscape mode under the logo. That should not be. It should stand aside. Can anyone adjust this?
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