I have a page that I created and then the page was deleted. Going back into a database backup I have, I still have the serialized data entry from the mfn-page-items value in the post-meta table.
Essentially, how would I go about taking the following code (not the full serialized data): and making it the same format as the code that is used when importing/exporting a page in the builder.
Serialized code from database table:
a:5:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:\"attr\";a:17:{s:5:\"title\";s:36:\"Add Background Image to this section\";s:8:\"bg_color\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"bg_image\";
What I am trying to turn it into (code that is given when you choose to export the builder contents from the page):
Overall, because wp revisions do not work on the builder, I am unable to roll back a page once it has been edited or changed. Is there a better way to do this?
Maybe you should to change format type of database stuff with Builder | Data Storage option under Theme options > Global > Advanced section? Sorry but except this option, we do not have any other solution.
When you go to export a page from the builder, what format is the generated code that is being given to the user for a later import? This is the format I am trying to get the serialized data into so I can import the page properly.
Sorry to bump this thread, but I am trying to achieve the same thing. I have the serialized data from the database - taken from the meta_value field with the 'mfn-page-items' meta_key - this definitely appears to be the Muffin Builder content for the page.
If I update this field in the database with a value from a backup (to try and restore a page) the Muffin Builder (and therefore front end page) are empty.
Based on your instructions to serialize and then encode with base64 I have tried using these tools to:
Thanks for the response. What do you mean by ensuring that both versions are the same though?
I want to overwrite an existing page with an older version. I have the old content from a database backup in serialised form. I thought updating just that database row with the old content would work but it doesn't.
If I take that serialised data and encode it with base64, then paste that into the Muffin Builder Import it doesn't work either.
I'd just like to know if there's a way to make this process work.
sorry but we do not understand what you are looking for exactly. Would be great if you can try to explain it once again more clearer.
If I update this field in the database with a value from a backup (to try and restore a page) the Muffin Builder (and therefore front end page) are empty.
Based on your instructions to serialize and then encode with base64 I have tried using these tools to:
Importing the string this process produces still gives an empty Muffin Builder. Can anyone advise on how to complete this process correctly?
I want to overwrite an existing page with an older version. I have the old content from a database backup in serialised form. I thought updating just that database row with the old content would work but it doesn't.
If I take that serialised data and encode it with base64, then paste that into the Muffin Builder Import it doesn't work either.
I'd just like to know if there's a way to make this process work.