Contact Box Outbound WWW link behaviour

edited December 2016 in Theme support
Hi guys, 

today I was told our outgoing links on the Where to buy page are broken. I use Contact Box items on that page. (

In the www field I normally enter the address without http://. In the past the website would add http:// automatically to it. Since we moved over to SSL it adds https:// to this field. 

I noticed the behaviour can be overruled by entering http:// in front of the www-address and thereby forcing it. (First contact entry Belgium has the http:// added) But this means I have to make changes to a lot of contact boxes, in six languages! Can't we make http:// as a default addition instead of https://? Most sites force traffic from http to https anyway, but not the other way around.

Please let me know what you think?


  • Hi,

    in this case, http:// need to be changed to https:// for each item individually or you can change all paths around whole site using Mfn CB Migration Tool. But before you will user this tool, please do the backup just in case.

  • Uhmm, That's not what I mean.

    The input field in the contact box used to take an address without http://, https:// or whatever prefix.
    So was enough. The system added http:// to the link automatically. Since we moved over to an SSL connection, instead of http, https is added to the link url. 

    Can you explain the logic please? Because added http:// to links seems to make more sense than https.
  • But this has nothing to do with the theme. WordPress is adding http:// automatically and we have no influence on it.
  • ah I see. It's Wordpress functionality that adds it. I thought, because it concerned a Muffin Builder item, all processing of inputs was done by your code.

    Thanks anyway, I'll start updating the links then... :-)

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