.page-id-73 .rev_slider, .page-id-71 .rev_slider { display:none !important; height: 0 !important;}
.page-id-25 .section.dark.new { display:none !important;}
I have the same problem...
They wrote i have to do this
.page-id-xxx #optinforms-form1-container { display: none; }
in the CCs.
I then also tried
.page-id-061 #optinforms-form1-container { display: none; }
.page-id-61 #optinforms-form1-container { display: none; }
But it did not work.
@daniellofaso you try out ?
Thank you for the answer.
.page-id-61 theme-hooks.php { display: none; }
it does not work.
Or how should I write it?
I'd like to remove a hook from several sides.
How can I do that?
https://geldmaschineschweiz.ch/risikohinweis/ (mfn_hook_content_before)
https://geldmaschineschweiz.ch/datenschutz/ (mfn_hook_content_before)
It worked !
You're awesome