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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thanks, thats what I was looking forPersonally I find your docs really hard to understand and if you need something is really hard to find itBest
  • I don't understand why you show the muffin builder screenshot in the docs instead of showing what the result is
  • Section 14 of muffin builder is 4.2.14 Divider
  • ok I want to use icons included in the theme which is fineHow can I do that? What is the code?As you said section 14 is the following: 14. Static CSS / Page speedand the section "4.2.22 List" is not what i'm looking for 
  • Thanks,but how do I use custom icons?if I use the tags the font doesn't respect the content font size, should I update it manually?Best
  • Sorry I don't understand what you just said.There are no empty sections on the website. The gap I'm referring to is the gap in the responsive style.In your style if I select to hide a section on desktop it hides on a resolution greater than 960px wi…
  • ok maybe it's too large.But if it's too large I should at least see the desktop version of the website that includes the layer slider slide which I set up to hide on mobile.In my case i don't see the revolution slider nor the mobile version.How is t…
  • [ACCESS HAS BEEN REMOVED] We do not accept access details in public section. However we checked what's wrong and you missed one very important information http://pasteboard.co/ExprU7m.png Thanks!
  • Hi,here you can find that the icons on the second part are the ones from the first part even if the icons on the second category are different in the offers. http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/253370/a8d53e03198e7f28c8884e72309c25b0Does it make …
  • thanks it works well on firefox, but I hope it'll work back on chrome soon as well.Thank you!
  • Thanks for your reply.Sorry but I'm trying to make this theme working for my website and I hope my questions will help you to improve your theme as well.I tried your be factory demo and on the mobile device the slide is not working properly from my …
  • Hi,can you tell me the short code to get a transparent button with color border and a fill color effect on mouse over?I just can't find it, I've been looking through you docs for half an hour now.Thanks,Alex
  • Ok good examples but for example how do I know how to insert a social icon bar shortcode?What I don't understand is why you have front end examples separate from the code examplesWoudn't be much easier to have them all together?Thanks
  • Hey are you kidding me or what?It says: TIP FOR THEME DEVELOPERS.That is what YOU need to put before every function in the theme functions.php If I use that conditional in the child theme there is no way I can override the core function!
  • Hi, what I wrote to you is from the page you suggested me to take a look at https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes And that is: TIP FOR THEME DEVELOPERS. The fact that a child theme’s functions.php is loaded first means that you can make the use…