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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Ahh i deleted some bigger Pictures 2 weeks ago. Could it be, the Header picture was deleted?Where can i find the old header. The krav maga website seems to have another header and footer.
  • No i disabled them, but i still have the problem. I remembered, i added Caching in my htaccess file, which i deleted, but still have the problem :(
  • But you are right. Not only the header. Also the other boxes are a little bit bigger in the version with my browser, than in the others. How can that be?Is there another option to change the size?? I can not remember to change anything like that. An…
  • I tried but then it looked like this: http://boxen-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Neue-Bitmap-13.png And it was boxed before. There must be another problem. And i dont understand. With my normal browser... It works. But with none of my o…
  • Oh my stupid fault: First:http://boxen-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Neue-Bitmap-7.png and the wrong one: http://boxen-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Neue-Bitmap-8.png
  • Really? I can open it. But maybe you can see the difference between my site and the first video with the gúy
  • No maybe i couldnt explain it correctly. I tried to make a Video. Normally https://vimeo.com/187452518 For my site:https://vimeo.com/187452516
  • Same Problem here: http://boxen-training.com/boxen-lernen/
  • Oh it worked great, but 10 minutes ago i saw, that it is back and aligned left again :( Couldnt find errors. So what could be the problem. The css is still insert.
  • If you look. Normally under the Header, there is this muscular guy in the krav maga theme. Its the picture: /uploads/2015/06/home_kravmaga_welcome.png And while scrolling, it moves smoothly. But on my website it sticks to the box "Welcome to...…
  • no, i mean  /uploads/2015/06/home_kravmaga_welcome.png normally the picture moves while scrolling. But i must have changed anything, but dont know what :(
  • :D  Thank you so much. Tried to work with css, but i need to learn so much. Thank you very much again :))
  • Yeah that is what i filled in. For the button, where to write name, it worked.It got centered. But didnt work for the submit button. No i took out my code, and i guess, there are no errors anymore.  But how can i center those buttons, now?
  • Okay, i did. And there are no errors anymore. But so my first question wasnt solve.  And the newsletter button is not centered :(
  • Hey,  I didnt think, that the errors were made by the theme. I thought i made an error with the html code. But i tried to fix it for many hours... But couldnt get behind it. One mistake is for exampe http://boxen-training.com/wp-content/uploads/201…
  • boxen-training.com/#newsletter
  • AHHH... Changed it in the wordpress setings. Didn't do it in the betheme options.Guess i had 2 logos for Favicon. I hope it will work now..Thank you very much.
  • http://boxen-training.com/  I designed it myself. Its the icon, you can see left in the tab. Half of the time its the Logo "bt".Halt of the time its your Logo "be"
  • I tried to do. But couldnt change anything. I tried to use the first command in the editor in the wordpress menu.I also tried to use the custom css command.But didnt work :( In the Muffin recent post widget i tried to change the white background. I …
  • I also wanted to change the background of the social media menu: http://sponsection.de/ibrahima-diallo/ The background, where the facebook button is. I didnt want it to be white. How can i change it too?
  • :)) Thank you very much
  • Yes of course :)) http://sponsection.de/ In the header... You can see "für Sportler" and "für Unternehmen" is underlined!I want all of them be like the section "unsere Sportler" with no underline!