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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi Thank you very much, that worked perfectly, really apreciate the help. I'll do so, I did want the sticky header still visible on tablet hence the reason for the smaller responsive width. Is there no way to fix this so I can still have the sticky …
  • Hi There Please see below examples of what I;m looking for. Sorry if I come off abrasive, I'm just becoming annoyed. Sticky menu currently: See below image of what I don't want happening, i.e the menu items folding to the bottom. (Image) What I'…
  • Thank you for your reply. The sticky menu. On both the main nav as well as the sticky nav, having the links spread out from center rather than allignedon both left and right of the container. So far I've had very terrible response with little to no…
  • Hi there, thank you for the response but unfortunately I couldn't wait any longer. I have opted for a third party plug-in until you guys get it fixed. On to my next question... My responsive menu looks terrible. There are only four links in the top…
  • Good day, The share box is still not showing up and this is proving an issue when I send potential clients through to my site. The sharebox as well as my responsive nav bar are proving quite the hassle. I am absolutely in-love with the theme and us…
  • Hi there Thank you but that didn't work
  • Hey guys I'm having a very similar problem. Since I've updated the shortcode for the sharing box doesn't show up at all. This goes across to all my portfolio items. Please could someone help? Here is a link to one of my portfolio items, the share bo…