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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • yes, thank you. How I have to define it?
  • I have another problem. If in muffin builder I set no sidebar for my page, and muffin opion panel is'n forcing it, blog sidebar appear in my page..... if I set different sidebar they work fine on all pages, but I'm not able to have a page without si…
  • It happen again, just now. And this is a serious problem, because I don't have any chance to recovermy work, only restore old copyes. (I can't think to work making a copy every half hour!). Please suggest me any solution. I don't want do work online…
  • Now I understand, but when you say "translate website quickly into just one language" I was thinking I translate my website (that is in italian) adding 1 language, not removing italian to write it in english!
  • I created sitebar without problems, but how can I define margin, padding or background color for sitebar? Thank you very muchforyour help.
  • Sorry, I don't understand. To create an english version of my website (italian + english, I write from Italy), I need to generate 2 istances of each page, and a flag icon that link them. Where can I write english translation of the content of every …