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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Ok , thank you. They told me I have to ask for a refund with you, and then buy another template with them. Can you help me with the refund?
  • Like Arki theme, from themeforest website. Can I change the purchase? Thank you!
  • Thanks, and could I change the template for another one from envato market like this: [removed by moderator]
  • Since the site was created with an illegally acquired template, I would like to start from scratch with wordpress and install a template that I like better. Please let me know if it is possible to make a change of template purchase. Thanks
  • Thanks Phil. Question, if i do what you told me, will I have to start designing the page from 0 or the appearance of the page will be the same as now, but without the codes and errors? In case I have to start the design from the beginning, is it pos…
  • Sent it. Thank you.
  • Thanks Phil, but I still can't resolve this issue. If I try to check my license through the license manager, I get the following message: The purchase code has not been used to register Betheme or the username does not match the purchase code. And …
  • And if I go to my desktop (in recovery mode) and go to the WPBakery plugin I get this information: An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR occurred on line 664 of the file /home3/sunna/estudionalca.cl/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/classes/editors/…
  • Thank you for your answer Phil. Yes, I do receive this error message when trying to update Betheme: "An error occurred while updating Betheme. The package could not be unzipped. The package contains no files. " https://forum.muffingroup.co…