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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hello I copied this code into themes option css - but you could check it on your mobile, its a mess. You even couldn't see the menu, because the line are white. Thanks for checkingMfbt
  • you're right. It's the memory limit. But they said, that they changed the php uploading size to 96M as well 
  • Hello I have the same problem. First I made a code like in the footer widget, but then the copyright line was also linking to instagram. Then I wrote the social links into theme options > social media. But they wasn't shown up in the Footer at al…
  • I found the solution. I just had to write the ID into the frame in the muffinbuilder instead the code into the column. all good now
  • Well thats strange - my admin gave me the feedback that I have 96MB, so should be good. Anyway, it's working with this old no plugin zip. :) thanks
  • Hi I uploaded the betheme-no-plugins.zip didnt works as well. But with the betheme-old-no-plugins-16-1 it worked. Do I need to update the theme than? Thanks
  • Hi I jump in for this topic. I made for each muffin section (about, prices, etc) an anchor (using Demo Theme called Profile).  While on the demo u can click at the menu on "about" and jump to "about". When you afterwards click on…