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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi, I have send access parameters via contact form as you sad and this is the answer i got. "Hi, we checked your dashboard and noticed that Widgets works fine. We are able to add and remove widgets. The only problem we found is Media sectio…
  • Hi, yes when I switch to one of default themes, images are showing in both views, but when I turn back to BeTheme and click on grid view, I still have that infinite loading..
  • Hi, yes that was the case. Sorry for that, it was my mistake.  Anyway, I did what your college told me and after disabling revolution slider plugin, problem with infinite loading in library and widget sections disappeared. But one thing i have to po…
  • Hi, yes he did and I have resolved this issue thanks to that. I have increased memory limits on my hosting via cpanel and after that I was able to import material and slider is running fine now. Thank you once again. Best regards, Nenad
  • Hi, I really need some answer regarding this issue so can you please give me some information? Thank you.
  • Hi,  I have sent my dashboard parameters via contact form. But in the answer I have been told that problem doesn't exist. So can you please check again because I really need to solve this so I can move one using your theme. Thank you in advance. Bes…
  • Hi, I have switched to one of three default wordpress themes, and everything is working properly. So i guess those issues are related to betheme. Can you please check and see what is causing this behavior? Thank you, Nenad
  • Hi, this has happened when I tried to import demo material for "fix" version of the theme. But after that I have tried to import some other demo packages and the same error is getting displayed. So I don't know what to do. I am looking for…