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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Thats it! Thank you for guiding me.
I found my old, custom CSS which caused it. It is ok now. Sorry for this post.
The names are in the last URL - check the Headings
I just tried it on another website: Here it looks ok - the blocks are correctly arranged. I add only these from screenshots. If you cannot access the original web, send me your IP and I will whitelist it on …
For example:…
So the problem was in WPFORMS - if it is activated and I want to add global section with wpforms shortcode in it, then it fails and not save. If I turn off the plugin, then add the global section - it works. Then I activate Wpforms again and it work…
Credential sended, If you cannot login, there is some firewall and I can whitelist your IP if you send it to me.
- Thanks, it will be great, if the shop template follow the default woocommerce settings and behaviour. That is what i would expect from it and therefore asked first.
I propably solved it - so I assign Shop categories (main only) - to main Shop page, then I must do all main categories 1 by 1 dedicated template with shown subcategories and finaly last template for all categories which is shown on last level of sub…
But the categories also have subcategories and I need to show subcategories first and the products should be displayed only in the last subcategory.
Prebuild sections - add default class name for the main section according to name of prebuild section. So it will be easier in the future to add CSS modification on several sites/places if you make more than 1 website with it. We already have a lot…
Great! I set 0 for mobile in bebuilder and it is fine now! Thank you!
On homepage, the smartslider should start after the menu, not under it - if you try it on android, the position is ok.
You can see, that the content is under subheader
I found where the problem was - it was the smileys in the text (copied from another site). For example: ? It will be good to have some kind of warning, that the content was not saved properly because of this. All you get is message, that it was sa…
BeBuilder is working, but for some unknown reason, it is not saving correctly. I have this page: It is copy of this page: First paragraph is still the sam…
For others - problem was with plugin Easy accordion - I managed to solved by simply deactivating plugin on pages with muffin builder: Plugin: Freesoul - backend url: *action=mfn-live-build…
Ok, there was some kind of plugin conflict - deactivating and reactivating plugins - and now it works. Is there some way to add bebuilder inside other fields in woocommerce single product - like - short description, custom tabs (3rd party plugin) et…
You are right, the child was old, I updated it from install archive and now it works.
I tried reinstall woocommerce, added woof filters and somehow it started to working. So please close this as resolved.
I tried it, but after deregistering on the API tool and registering again on the domain I got back to API tool and the key is still registered under TIXIK username
Here is the answer from ENVATO: As you have changed your username from TIXIK to SEMTIX. Your all purchased item licenses at envato market is under SEMTIX mean you can download the license/purchase code from your account (SEMTIX) Download page. But t…
It is not about the 200px height - as I mentioned - I have a menu with more items (20+) in one column - this many items do not fit even on the full hd display... So the scrolling is the only way to see the items, which do not fit on the screen.
In you screen it is ok, because there is plenty of space and only 5 items in submenu - if you add more items, than it fits on screen, there is the problem. Because there is no way, to scroll to items, that fits "under" the bottom of the sc…