



Last Active

License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Dear Support, sure..sorry. Here the page I am working on: https://mycitybike.com/index.php/e-bike-kaufen/hannah/ Here the Footer with this code: * <i class="icon-right-dir" style="color: #1eb6ea;"></i> <a href=&q…
  • I got a solution: NO bullet points forced: give your list a unique class too! ul.liste3 {   list-style: none!important;   margin-left: 0px!important;   padding-left: 1em!important;   text-indent: -1em!important;} If a bullet point is very long and o…
  • Dear Support, 4 years later it is possible to set an icon instead of a bullet list. BUT when I tried it your way, it didn't work.  In my theme at the footer section there was your code like: * <i class="icon-right-dir" style="col…
  • Hey Bryan, perhaps I explained it wrong? I want something like this:https://ibb.co/bg3rz9Y if I click on a picture it shall act like in a normal gallery from be theme (go full screen):https://ibb.co/d0XWVH9 Do you know what I mean? Thanks!
  • Dear Pablo, I already found the reason the other way didn't work for me.  body.mm-vertical #Top_bar .menu > li > ul.mfn-megamenu { width: 80% !important; margin: 0 1%; padding: 20px 0;} Thanks!
  • Hey, I tryed ashwinths method but it won't work. I got an 5/6 Part and a sidebar. Is that the problem? I put in a line with the following css: .one-sixth.column {    width: 8%;} .hr_narrow  {    color: #1eb6ea00 !important;    background: #1eb6ea00 …
  • Hello, but on your page https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/vpn/ the parallax did not stutters. I used this theme and just changed the BG pic and its laggs their a** off =(( It can't be - we buy a theme that laggs?? It's like u buy a window cleaner bu…