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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I didn't modify the file, rechecked just now, all fine, issue fixed, Thank you!
  • ok, thank you !
  • 1) ok 2 3 4) sent Regards,
  • 1) do i have to modify theme-function.php file only or some others too? in theme-function.php only in this line? (photo) https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/442/LTPX9FJEVN8N.png so how to overwrite this part of function in child theme func…
  • Hi, thanks for response, 1) i mean other things, in elementor on gallery block exist size of thumbnails https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/902/MDGIBY1877GX.png here in list: thumbnail, medium and large is from default wp settings, thumb…
  • ok, done, thanks for support!
  • then i not receive important message for me, for example in this topic or in other my topic. I just dont want receive the spam!
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/021/8H5GXGVWFP22.png
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/202465#Comment_202465 Hello, I still receive mails and notifications from discussion where i asked to delete my post, i dont want to receive the spam, pls unsubscribe me from that discussion …
  • very bad that for that simple function need to use 3rd party plugin and slow the site. it's very common things and your theme should have it Thanks!
  • 1) yes, please, delete my post from there 2)Site in maintenance mode , but I create 2 test posts with gallery on test site, you have access data , i was sent to you before via themeforest form there just two posts: "Post with wp and muffin li…
  • how to add zoom option to gallery when open image in lightbox? for example, if i upload big image, created gallery with muffin builder, when you open it in frontend its have limited height, and image not clear, because small, and completely looks v…
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/202418#Comment_202418 how can i delete my post from there??? i don't want to receive mails everytime when any user post something there
  • i tried to make you theme better, but you write some bad words, not nice do you and your developer really think that "read more" button should jump through the page as crazy monkey ???
  • I want to say that this is wrong way to fix issue by heading min-height value, because, not all post have equal images, some post have 50px height image some 20px, some 35px, etc also header length can be 1 line, 2 lines, 3 lines , 4 lines 5 lines ,…
  • this will not work, there different image size, also header length, and in mobile its will looks terrible each related post div need to make equal height , read more button position bottom, then its will be responsive and good looking how do it …
  • 1) yes, your theme great with a lot of function, thanks for theme!, would be good if your developers can implement some function, to not duplicate content (about what i told previous messgae) https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment…
  • 1) now i understand how work your theme, but, if to display sidebar for categories and archives pages need to create page and set up it for blog, (e.g. "blogpage") then if i have just one category for blog (e.g. "testify"), the…
  • ok, i sent access data to development site. about "Read more" button, lol its not possible to make title with same length, also post photo and description, not the same. should be other solution, for example equal div height, button pos…
  • more one thing: how to make "read more" buttons in same line https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/316/PCL22OXWQB0V.png this is your demo https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/webinar/aenean-vulputate-velit/
  • from beginning i tried to told you its doesn't work! sidebar not appear for categories pages I have set up widgets for Blog category "test" https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/986/O6PN8KI5N6EV.png but widgets don't appear , i tr…
  • ok, Page Search and Single Post, working, thanks how to add same sidebar to Blog Categories pages and Archives pages? Best regards,
  • Hello, I dont want to use custom sidebar. I want to use default sidebar for Blog I rename category "Uncategorized" (from your screen https://prnt.sc/1d1u7px ) to "Press" and add there some widgets https://prnt.sc/1d1u07v , so ho…