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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi Pablo, recently another problem occured with the Revolution Slider. I created a new slider and would like to replace temporarily the slider from before on a page.When looking on the page under Media > Slider Revolution Slider the new slider is…
  • Thank you Pablo. I managed to update the theme now.
  • As you recommended i have now downloaded again the theme from themeforest as there seems to be a problem with the functionality and updating it. Whats the best way to do this and making sure i am not losing or messing up the current website and desi…
  • I have tried to update the theme from the dashboard. which does not work - i just tried again. This is the error message i receive:Aktualisierung des Themes Betheme (1 von 1) Herunterladen der Aktualisierung von http://api.muffingroup.com/theme/do…
  • It´s regarding updating the site to version 21.1.6.It shoudnt be a licence problem.But thanks for the link.Anything else in can try. like what you suggested before? "please first unzip the package onto your PC and then install the betheme.zip f…
  • Hi Bryan,thank you for your quick reponse.What is the quickest and best way of downloading the latest version to my PC?in WP i just see update theme buttons.Do I need to log into the platform where i bought the theme and download it again?Thanks for…
  • Ok great I will try this! Thank you for your help!
  • Hi Pablo,thank you for your quick response. 1) I had tried several times to update the plug in WPBakery Page Builder over the last week and it just didnt let me.Now I have just tried again and it seemed to have worked - I am not sure. It says the p…
  • Hi! Ok, thank you for your help! Best wishes.