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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hello,  I just updated my site with the Envato toolkit and the entire site went white.THIS IS MY ERROR MESSAGE: Backing up & removing the old version of the theme… The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. Thi…
  • perfection! thanks!
  • Yes, I put the CSS into the Custom CSS field. DoneI also put the Class name into the menu: Top_bar1 You can see it's not working:  http://boblesser.com.routing.wpmanagedhost.com See screenshot:http://boblesser.com.routing.wpmanagedhost.com/wp-conte…
  • I tried changing the class to #Top_bar1 and inserted it into the menu CSS field but it didn't work. #Top_bar1 .menu > li > a span:not(.description) {     border: 2px solid #27c2d6 !important;     border-radius: 3px;     line-height: 40px; } …
  • menu item 115 Once you tell me the name of the class I can put in into the one I need to. Thank you! sorry for the confusion.
  • Hi, This code makes all of my navigation items with the button style. I only want one menu item to have this style. I tried changing the class to #Top_bar1 and inserted it into the menu CSS field but it didn't work. Can you let me know which class I…
  • We would like to avoid using the action button.Instead we want to style a normal navigation link with the proper CSS class so it looks like the action button. I've done this on another be theme website before by adding a CSS class to the navigation …
  • I would like to use the same style on entire site.My question was what css class to target in the Navigation > Menu item?
  • I guess another solution could be to style the normal nav button with a button outline. I might have to bypass using the action button. Which style can I use to create a button out of the normal navigation buttons? thanks,
  • Ok, I tried and it looks really bad.I also tried to hide it with the "hide icons and action button" which looks good because it's hidden but then it's missing from the navigation menu. Can it be included in the mobile menu once hidden?
  • I will share URL but I don't want it to be public forum.How can you discuss matters privately?
  • OK, I enabled the action bar from the theme settings but it's not making the button appear.Can you look into this for me?
  • Yes, I sent the link a few times. This theme "Buddy" had a button for "Log In" in the navigation http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/buddy/ thanks,
  • Similar to how Sign In link is a button:How do I get a button style in the menu? http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/buddy/
  • But I just need one navigation link to be a button..
  • OK great! So which class do I use in the menu field to call this style?
  • OK here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/itlfvfc2g05a4dy/Screen%20Shot%202015-07-27%20at%208.22.50%20AM.png?dl=0 thanks,Allan
  • Since I bought the theme I can use the photo right?
  • Oh ok. Stay organized my friends. Thanks anyways
  • The stock photo which is at the top of that theme yes. http://betheme.muffingroupsc.netdna-cdn.com/be/itservice/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/home_itservice_slider.jpg Thank you sir.
  • hello, Would it be possible to tell me from which stop photo website the image on BE Theme IT comes from? The main image in the top slider with the hand and iPad? http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/itservice/ Appreciate it thanks!
  • Thanks! I think this is a relatively easy fix and makes a big difference.. I think it might prevent a lot of buyers for you. I appreciate it so much. Thanks for considering.
  • For example you can see how Avada achieved it by putting it into the menu at smaller sizes..http://theme-fusion.com/avada/hosting/
  • Hello, Would it be possible to fix this in the next update as I plan on using your themes for many clients of mine?  I've seen this achieved in a way that when a smaller size is shown, it puts the contact link into the minimized navigation list or …
  • Hi and thanks for your reply!  My concern is that it looks broken. :)It seems like there is a lot of space at the top and I know my client will not be ok with it looking like this.  Can the media query for small phone width adjust so that it shows i…
  • Hi, Sorry for the confusion.Please see this screenshot attached. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e50jaftddu9dllf/Screen%20Shot%202015-07-15%20at%201.16.16%20PM.png?dl=0 Is there any way to move the Contact button up in the same line as the logo and navig…